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Unicode floor glyphs reversed #55

Open jayvdb opened 8 years ago

jayvdb commented 8 years ago

When I look at Problem 197, now and before any of the recent changes, the unicode glyphs for floor (⌊x⌋) are reversed , with the tails at the bottom , turning outwards instead of inwards:

floor glyphs on Firefox 47 on Ubuntu 16.04: floor glyphs on Firefox 47 on Ubuntu 16.04

rfloor with tail out looks like an upper case L, so it is confusing. This also occurs on Chrome 47.0.2526.106 / Ubuntu.

It doesnt occur when those glyphs are enclosed with back-ticks, and it also doesnt occur when I post those glyphs to , which makes me think it is a font choice by Github.

This problem doesnt occur on either of my Android devices.

fwiw, ceiling ( ⌈x⌉) works well in the two cases where it was used.

Need to check some more devices to see if this is a widespread problem, or limited to just me, or just Ubuntu 16.