imsoo / darknet_server

Darknet (Open source neural networks framework) Server
MIT License
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Loading weights from ...Couldn't open file: #1

Open ChangSeobYun opened 4 years ago

ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

When you run worker, "Loading weights from ... Coouldn't open file:" error occurs.

imsoo commented 4 years ago

@ChangSeobYun Hi,

  1. Which do you want to run, Yolo or Openpose?

  2. Did you download weight file and put it in "weight" directory?

  3. Please write your full command , it should be like

    ./worker "YOUR CFG PATH" "WEIGHT PATH" "NAMES PATH" -gpu 0 -thresh 0.2
    ./worker cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights names/cooc.names -gpu 0 -thresh 0.2
ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

I solved. thanks

ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

I have another question. what is ./sink and ./ventilator?

imsoo commented 4 years ago


For example,

  1. client sends the webcam video stream to the server(Ventilator).

    Client -- Frame4 -- Frame 3 -- Frame 2 -- Frame 1 --> Server (Ventilator)
  2. Ventilator receive frame and distribute to Worker. (In this case, Assume that three Worker processes are running)

    Ventilator -- Frame 1 --> Worker 1   
    Ventilator -- Frame 2 --> Worker 2
    Ventilator -- Frame 3 --> Worker 3
    Ventilator -- Frame 4 --> Worker 1 
  3. Workers process frame (neural network computation) and send result to Sink. (Note that worker 3 could process faster than worker 2)

    Worker 1 -- Processed Frame 1 --> Sink   
    Worker 3 -- Processed Frame 3 --> Sink   
    Worker 2 -- Processed Frame 2 --> Sink   
  4. Sink collects results back from the worker and send result to client in sequence

    Workers -- Frame 2 -- Frame 3 -- Frame 1 --> Sink -- Frame 3 -- Frame 2 -- Frame 1 --> Client

Why use this?

Suppose the time to process one frame is 1 second. If there are five frame and one worker process, it takes 5 seconds. However, using two workers, it will be halved.

1 worker: total elapsed time: 5034 msecs.
2 workers: total elapsed time: 2421 msecs.
4 workers: total elapsed time: 1018 msecs.

accompanying document should help:

ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

I don't raw output detection box. what is problem?

imsoo commented 4 years ago


  1. Check that the Server-Client is working.

Set DEBUG flag in Makefile and rebuild it. and then check standard output.

run server (sink, ventilator, one worker process) and then run client It should be like :

Ventilator | Recv From Client | SEQ :  0 | LEN : 12345
Ventilator | Send To Worker | SEQ :  0 | LEN : 12345
Worker | Recv From Ventilator | SEQ :  0 | LEN : 12345
Darknet | Detect | SEQ : 0 | Time : 50ms
Worker | Send To Sink | SEQ :  0 | LEN : 13456
Sink | Recv From Worker | SEQ : 0 | LEN : 13456
Sink | Pub To Client | SEQ : 0 | LEN : 13456
  1. If networking is fine, then try to change threshold.
./worker cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights names/cooc.names -gpu 0 -thresh ***0.2***
  1. Please write your full command or post any picture. It should be helpful.
ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

제목 없음

ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

./worker cfg/openpose.cfg weights/openpose.weight -gpu 0 -pose

imsoo commented 4 years ago

I think that Server/Client couldn't connect.

  1. where is the server running? Local OR Remote (GCP, AWS ...)

  2. check that server address in client command.

For example (Local),

 ./darknet_client -addr -vid test.mp4
  1. Please post server process's (Sink, Ventilator, Worker) output.
ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

I solved. thanks. An error occurred while executing the ImportError: cannot import name 'set_session' from 'tensorflow.keras.backend'

imsoo commented 4 years ago


I think that different keras version is a cause of this error. Which version of tensorflow and keras do you have? if you let me know, i will try it.

ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

tensorflow==2.1.0 and Keras==2.3.1

imsoo commented 4 years ago


Note : This is a temporary solution. it may not work correctly in your environment. So please let me know the result.

Try to change 7-12 Line in and retry it.


from tensorflow.keras.backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config)


## TF 2.0
from tensorflow.compat.v1.keras.backend import set_session
config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()  
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config)
ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

i just use one computer. then not working

ChangSeobYun commented 4 years ago

제목 없음

imsoo commented 4 years ago


Is the server (worker, Sink, Ventilator) running on the same computer?

moonbeam5115 commented 3 years ago

@ChangSeobYun Hi,

1. Which do you want to run, Yolo or Openpose?

2. Did you download weight file and put it in "weight" directory?

3. Please write your full command , it should be like
./worker "YOUR CFG PATH" "WEIGHT PATH" "NAMES PATH" -gpu 0 -thresh 0.2
./worker cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights names/cooc.names -gpu 0 -thresh 0.2

Hi @imsoo, great work with this repo! I am having a similar issue to the issue shown at the top:

Loading weights from ...Couldn't open file

I am running the following: ./sink ./ventilator ./worker cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights names/coco.names -gpu 0 -thresh 0.2

and then am getting the error. Any ideas on how to fix this? Also, after running ./sink and ./ventilator am I supposed to be getting output on the terminal? Because I am not getting any output after running them.

SinDongHwan commented 3 years ago

안녕하세요, @imsoo.

저도 같은 에러가 발생했는데요.

darknet, darknet_server를 받아서 make까지 완료하였고, sink와 ventilator를 실행하고나서 이 issue에서 가이드 해주신 명령어대로 worker를 실행했는데도 오류가 발생합니다.

왜 "Loading weights from ...Couldn't open file" 에러 메세지가 뜨는 지 아시나요?