-C, --cookie strings Pre-set these cookies
-h, --help help for goclone
-o, --open Automatically open project in deafult browser
-p, --proxy_string string Proxy connection string. Support http and socks5 https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gocolly/colly#Collector.SetProxy
-s, --serve Serve the generated files using Echo.
-u, --user_agent string Custom User Agent
Usage: goclone https://www.instagram.com/ [flags]
Flags: -C, --cookie strings Pre-set these cookies -h, --help help for goclone -o, --open Automatically open project in deafult browser -p, --proxy_string string Proxy connection string. Support http and socks5 https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gocolly/colly#Collector.SetProxy -s, --serve Serve the generated files using Echo. -u, --user_agent string Custom User Agent
Originally posted by @Hugorino11 in https://github.com/imthaghost/goclone/issues/36#issuecomment-1100472089