The way the dockerfile is currently written doesn't leverage caching because the download deps step is run in the same context as the build binary step. Using the below dockerfile will improve dev experience.
Good point @aliotta. I will make sure to incorporate this change into the next release. It may take a while, as I am still recovering from hospital. If you are up for it, feel free to create a PR.
The way the dockerfile is currently written doesn't leverage caching because the download deps step is run in the same context as the build binary step. Using the below dockerfile will improve dev experience.
` ##########################################################################
########################################################################## FROM golang:1.13-buster AS builder
WORKDIR /build/scim COPY go.mod ./ COPY pkg/v2/go.mod ./pkg/v2/go.mod COPY mongo/v2/go.mod ./mongo/v2/go.mod COPY Makefile ./ RUN make deps
COPY . ./ RUN make binary
########################################################################## FROM debian:buster-slim
copy binary
COPY --from=builder /build/scim/bin/linux_amd64/scim /usr/bin/scim
copy public files
COPY --from=builder /build/scim/public /usr/share/scim/public
CMD ["/usr/bin/scim"] `