imusmanmalik / cloudnative-pg-timescaledb-postgis-containers

Operand images for CloudNativePG containing PostgreSQL with TimescaleDB and PostGIS
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 11 forks source link

Dependency Dashboard #4

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

TimescaleDB-PostGIS/12/Dockerfile - `postgis/postgis 12-3.3`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/13/Dockerfile - `postgis/postgis 13-3.3`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/14/Dockerfile - `postgis/postgis 14-3.3`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/15/Dockerfile - `postgis/postgis 15-3.3`
.github/workflows/build.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v4` - `erzz/dockle-action v1` - `docker/build-push-action v4`
.github/workflows/update.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `nick-fields/retry v2` - `benjefferies/branch-protection-bot 1.0.7` - `EndBug/add-and-commit v9` - `benjefferies/branch-protection-bot 1.0.7`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/12/requirements.txt - `argcomplete ==2.0.0` - `azure-core ==1.26.3` - `azure-identity ==1.12.0` - `azure-storage-blob ==12.15.0` - `barman ==3.4.0` - `boto3 ==1.26.83` - `botocore ==1.29.83` - `cachetools ==5.3.0` - `certifi ==2022.12.7` - `cffi ==1.15.1` - `charset-normalizer ==3.0.1` - `cryptography ==39.0.2` - `google-api-core ==2.11.0` - `google-auth ==2.16.2` - `google-cloud-core ==2.3.2` - `google-cloud-storage ==2.7.0` - `google-crc32c ==1.5.0` - `google-resumable-media ==2.4.1` - `googleapis-common-protos ==1.58.0` - `idna ==3.4` - `isodate ==0.6.1` - `jmespath ==1.0.1` - `msal ==1.21.0` - `msal-extensions ==1.0.0` - `portalocker ==2.7.0` - `protobuf ==4.22.0` - `pyasn1 ==0.4.8` - `pyasn1-modules ==0.2.8` - `pycparser ==2.21` - `pyjwt ==2.6.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.8.2` - `python-snappy ==0.6.1` - `requests ==2.28.2` - `rsa ==4.9` - `s3transfer ==0.6.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `typing-extensions ==4.5.0` - `urllib3 ==1.26.14`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/13/requirements.txt - `argcomplete ==2.0.0` - `azure-core ==1.26.3` - `azure-identity ==1.12.0` - `azure-storage-blob ==12.15.0` - `barman ==3.4.0` - `boto3 ==1.26.83` - `botocore ==1.29.83` - `cachetools ==5.3.0` - `certifi ==2022.12.7` - `cffi ==1.15.1` - `charset-normalizer ==3.0.1` - `cryptography ==39.0.2` - `google-api-core ==2.11.0` - `google-auth ==2.16.2` - `google-cloud-core ==2.3.2` - `google-cloud-storage ==2.7.0` - `google-crc32c ==1.5.0` - `google-resumable-media ==2.4.1` - `googleapis-common-protos ==1.58.0` - `idna ==3.4` - `isodate ==0.6.1` - `jmespath ==1.0.1` - `msal ==1.21.0` - `msal-extensions ==1.0.0` - `portalocker ==2.7.0` - `protobuf ==4.22.0` - `pyasn1 ==0.4.8` - `pyasn1-modules ==0.2.8` - `pycparser ==2.21` - `pyjwt ==2.6.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.8.2` - `python-snappy ==0.6.1` - `requests ==2.28.2` - `rsa ==4.9` - `s3transfer ==0.6.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `typing-extensions ==4.5.0` - `urllib3 ==1.26.14`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/14/requirements.txt - `argcomplete ==2.0.0` - `azure-core ==1.26.3` - `azure-identity ==1.12.0` - `azure-storage-blob ==12.15.0` - `barman ==3.4.0` - `boto3 ==1.26.83` - `botocore ==1.29.83` - `cachetools ==5.3.0` - `certifi ==2022.12.7` - `cffi ==1.15.1` - `charset-normalizer ==3.0.1` - `cryptography ==39.0.2` - `google-api-core ==2.11.0` - `google-auth ==2.16.2` - `google-cloud-core ==2.3.2` - `google-cloud-storage ==2.7.0` - `google-crc32c ==1.5.0` - `google-resumable-media ==2.4.1` - `googleapis-common-protos ==1.58.0` - `idna ==3.4` - `isodate ==0.6.1` - `jmespath ==1.0.1` - `msal ==1.21.0` - `msal-extensions ==1.0.0` - `portalocker ==2.7.0` - `protobuf ==4.22.0` - `pyasn1 ==0.4.8` - `pyasn1-modules ==0.2.8` - `pycparser ==2.21` - `pyjwt ==2.6.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.8.2` - `python-snappy ==0.6.1` - `requests ==2.28.2` - `rsa ==4.9` - `s3transfer ==0.6.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `typing-extensions ==4.5.0` - `urllib3 ==1.26.14`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/15/requirements.txt - `argcomplete ==2.0.0` - `azure-core ==1.26.3` - `azure-identity ==1.12.0` - `azure-storage-blob ==12.15.0` - `barman ==3.4.0` - `boto3 ==1.26.83` - `botocore ==1.29.83` - `cachetools ==5.3.0` - `certifi ==2022.12.7` - `cffi ==1.15.1` - `charset-normalizer ==3.0.1` - `cryptography ==39.0.2` - `google-api-core ==2.11.0` - `google-auth ==2.16.2` - `google-cloud-core ==2.3.2` - `google-cloud-storage ==2.7.0` - `google-crc32c ==1.5.0` - `google-resumable-media ==2.4.1` - `googleapis-common-protos ==1.58.0` - `idna ==3.4` - `isodate ==0.6.1` - `jmespath ==1.0.1` - `msal ==1.21.0` - `msal-extensions ==1.0.0` - `portalocker ==2.7.0` - `protobuf ==4.22.0` - `pyasn1 ==0.4.8` - `pyasn1-modules ==0.2.8` - `pycparser ==2.21` - `pyjwt ==2.6.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.8.2` - `python-snappy ==0.6.1` - `requests ==2.28.2` - `rsa ==4.9` - `s3transfer ==0.6.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `typing-extensions ==4.5.0` - `urllib3 ==1.26.14`
TimescaleDB-PostGIS/src/requirements.txt - `argcomplete ==2.0.0` - `azure-core ==1.26.3` - `azure-identity ==1.12.0` - `azure-storage-blob ==12.15.0` - `barman ==3.4.0` - `boto3 ==1.26.83` - `botocore ==1.29.83` - `cachetools ==5.3.0` - `certifi ==2022.12.7` - `cffi ==1.15.1` - `charset-normalizer ==3.0.1` - `cryptography ==39.0.2` - `google-api-core ==2.11.0` - `google-auth ==2.16.2` - `google-cloud-core ==2.3.2` - `google-cloud-storage ==2.7.0` - `google-crc32c ==1.5.0` - `google-resumable-media ==2.4.1` - `googleapis-common-protos ==1.58.0` - `idna ==3.4` - `isodate ==0.6.1` - `jmespath ==1.0.1` - `msal ==1.21.0` - `msal-extensions ==1.0.0` - `portalocker ==2.7.0` - `protobuf ==4.22.0` - `pyasn1 ==0.4.8` - `pyasn1-modules ==0.2.8` - `pycparser ==2.21` - `pyjwt ==2.6.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.8.2` - `python-snappy ==0.6.1` - `requests ==2.28.2` - `rsa ==4.9` - `s3transfer ==0.6.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `typing-extensions ==4.5.0` - `urllib3 ==1.26.14`