imxiejie / ThinkVim

Vim configuration in the 21st century
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A lot of the documented keybindings do not work #11

Closed Cyberlane closed 5 years ago

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

Problems summary

A lot of the documented keybindings/shortcuts do not work

Environment Information

NVIM v0.4.0-1015-gbabcf641e
Build type: Release
JIT 2.0.5
    1 health#coc#check
    2 ========================================================================
    3   - OK: Environment check passed
    5   - OK: Build javascript found
    6   - OK: Service started
    8 health#defx#check
    9 ========================================================================
   10 ## defx.nvim
   11   - OK: has("python3") was successful
   12   - OK: Python 3.6.1+ was successful
   14 health#nvim#check
   15 ========================================================================
   16 ## Configuration
   17   - OK: no issues found
   19 ## Performance
   20   - OK: Build type: Release
   22 ## Remote Plugins
   23   - OK: Up to date
   25 ## terminal
   26   - INFO: key_backspace (kbs) terminfo entry: key_backspace=^H
   27   - INFO: key_dc (kdch1) terminfo entry: key_dc=\E[3~
   28   - INFO: $TERM_PROGRAM=''
   29   - INFO: $COLORTERM='truecolor'
   31 health#provider#check
   32 ========================================================================
   33 ## Clipboard (optional)
   34   - OK: Clipboard tool found: macOS-clipboard
   36 ## Python 2 provider (optional)
   37   - INFO: Using: g:python_host_prog = "/usr/local/bin/python"
   38   - INFO: Executable: /usr/local/bin/python
   39   - INFO: Python version: 2.7.16
   40   - INFO: pynvim version: 0.3.2
   41   - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.
   43 ## Python 3 provider (optional)
   44   - INFO: Using: g:python3_host_prog = "/usr/local/bin/python3"
   45   - INFO: Executable: /usr/local/bin/python3
   46   - INFO: Python version: 3.7.3
   47   - INFO: pynvim version: 0.3.2
   48   - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.
   50 ## Ruby provider (optional)
   51   - INFO: Ruby: ruby 2.3.7p456 (2018-03-28 revision 63024) [universal.x86_64-darwin17]
   52   - INFO: Host: /usr/local/bin/neovim-ruby-host
   53   - OK: Latest "neovim" gem is installed: 0.8.0
   55 ## Node.js provider (optional)
   56   - INFO: Node.js: v12.3.1
   57   - INFO: Neovim node.js host: /usr/local/Cellar/node/12.3.1/lib/node_modules/neovim/bin/cli.js
   58   - OK: Latest "neovim" npm/yarn package is installed: 4.5.0

How to reproduce the problem from neovim startup (Required!)

gc does nothing <Leader> + ff opens a floating window, which lets me type but shows nothing else. <Leader> + tb gives the error SPC t b is undefined

Screenshot (if possible)

glepnir commented 5 years ago

@Cyberlane do you installed rg , leader t b is wrong .leader t n is correct. i will fixed doc. gc should use text object

There may be too many modifications, which caused me to miss some of the keys. Sorry, thank you very much for submitting the issue.


glepnir commented 5 years ago

any update?

glepnir commented 5 years ago


Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I've been away for a few days but I will be able to check on this tomorrow.

glepnir commented 5 years ago

ok i reopen this issue,i changed the structure . use yaml to mange plugins not toml. and u add local folder which you can mange your vim plugins and vim setttings.

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

I've updated, and now testing it out again.

The search works now, I did not have ripgrep, I made a wrong assumption that you were using fd, which is what I was using with fzf previously.

<Leader> + tb works fine now too.

gc does not comment gcc does not uncomment

gcgcc will comment a line, but will not uncomment it. Maybe I am misunderstanding something on this one?

glepnir commented 5 years ago

@Cyberlane gc should use textobject gci etc.. gcc will comment a line and type gcc again will uncomment line. you should know vim textobkect

Type "gci" (toggle: "gcc", uncomment: "gcui")
      "   <- inserted here"
      "   # <- inserted here"

Type "gcI" (uncomment: "gcuI")
      "   inserted the first column"
      "#    inserted the first column"

Type "gca" (uncomment: "gcua")
      "inserted after this"
      "inserted after this    # "

Type "gcw" (uncomment: "gcuw")
      "  wrap!"
      "  /* wrap! */"

Type "gcb"
      "  box!"
      "  /********/"
      "  /* box! */"
      "  /********/"

Type "gco"
      "   func1();"
      "   func1()"
      "   // "  (now cursor is at the end and entered insert-mode)

Type "gcO"
      "   func1();"
      "   // "  (now cursor is at the end and entered insert-mode)
      "   func1();"
glepnir commented 5 years ago

you should check this doc

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

@taigacute - I've been using VIM for 6 years year, and have never really read any books or tutorials, mostly learned by doing, and tweaking things by having it as my main IDE at work and home. So clearly this is one of the things I have missed out on, I'll read the doc you linked.

Thanks for your patience, and for the awesome config!

glepnir commented 5 years ago

@Cyberlane i have fixed some bug, please update. you can use local to mange your plugins and vim settings.

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

@Cyberlane - done!

Will you eventually allow for theme colorscheme customizations? I really like the config you have, but I much preferred the colorscheme I had before :)

glepnir commented 5 years ago

you can use your colorscheme .only to change or you can set it in local_settings.vim

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

Fantastic, thank you!

glepnir commented 5 years ago

no thanks. by the way . do you got error when you use ;+m

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

Yeah, when I use ;+m I get [denite] denite failed to load. Try the :UpdateRemotePlugins command and restart Neovim. See also :checkhealth.

Do I need to run update, or is that done each time I open vim (much like the install) ?

glepnir commented 5 years ago

yes you should run :UpdateRemotePlugins for defx and denite ,cause they call the python rpc of neovim. only run once this command .

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

I ran the update, closed and re-opened VIM and it still isn't working.

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

How do you make those gifs showing the key presses? I could make one of those to try show what I am doing - maybe I am doing something incorrectly.

glepnir commented 5 years ago

@Cyberlane can you leader +e to call defx, then ;+m call denite. maybe you will got some error.then run command :UpdateRemotePlugins if you see [defx.nvim,denite] .its success. i ask for Shougo that dein author .he said the call dein#init function will call dein#remote_plugins function. this function will register the plugin to rpc. but dont know why .i got the same info

Cyberlane commented 5 years ago

I have done leader + e and am on the defx, I pressed ;+m and I got the same error. I ran :UpdateRemotePlugins and I got the following:

remote/host: python3 host registered plugins ['defx', 'denite']
remote/host: generated rplugin manifest: ~/.local/share/nvim/rplugin.vim

What should this do?

glepnir commented 5 years ago
