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cannot start denite until a todo.sqlite database is created. #17

Closed Azureki closed 5 years ago

Azureki commented 5 years ago

Problems summary

Besides preconditions referred in readme, a todo.sqlite database should be created.

How to reproduce the problem from neovim startup (Required!)

  1. git clone this repo, start neovim
  2. start denite => fail.
  3. run :checkhealth => result: denite is ok
  4. run :UpdateRemotePlugins.
  5. start denite again => fail.

error messages:

denite failed to load. 
sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file
Line 33

Open the referred file and find:

db = os.path.expanduser('~/.todo/todo.sqlite')
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)

Create this database, run denite again. => success.

glepnir commented 5 years ago

@Azureki you should use this command to create database TodoInit

Azureki commented 5 years ago



glepnir commented 5 years ago

差不多。localleader+d+a 添加todo

Azureki commented 5 years ago


glepnir commented 5 years ago

denite 不依赖todoapp。。todoapp依赖denite。

Azureki commented 5 years ago

唔,我的意思是,localleader + m启动deinite_menu会出错,要先安装todoapp才行。 这样的话,即使不需要todo功能,但是为了使用denite_menu也需要安装todoapp

glepnir commented 5 years ago

todoapp 其实挺鸡肋的这个。可以有更好的选择。而且也不是强需求。注释掉就行了

glepnir commented 5 years ago


Azureki commented 5 years ago
