imxieyi / waifu2x-ios-model-converter

Apache License 2.0
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Conversion Request - Various ESRGAN Models #10

Open AllrDan opened 3 months ago

AllrDan commented 3 months ago

Hello, I have a couple of models I'd like to have converted, if you have the time. Some models' downloads aren't available anymore, yet they're all listed as having permissive licenses so I've uploaded them to Dropbox.

WTP UDS EsrganDropbox

Remacri ExtraSmootherDropbox

UltraSharp BETA Version (4x-Ultrascale_V0.5 BETA)



Thank you in advance!

imxieyi commented 3 months ago

WTP UDS Esrgan and realesrgan-x4minus have permissive licenses so converted models are added to the drive folder.

UltraSharp BETA Version and Lollypop are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 which is not permissive for commercial use (i.e. make profit, which this app does). So as always converted models will not be provided. But you can use the web converter to convert them.

As for Remacri ExtraSmoother, could you provide the right link to the model info page? The one you linked is Remacri (without ExtraSmoother).

AllrDan commented 3 months ago

Oh okay, I wasn't sure of the difference between licenses, thanks for the clarification.

Remacri ExtraSmoother is included in the the same page as Remacri, it's in the download link, which was inaccessible a few days ago when I looked it up, which is why I uploaded a backup link.

If by the time you try to access it it doesn't let you I have just saved the page on the Wayback Machine, so you can see that they do, in fact, come together.