in-toto / community

in-toto is a framework to secure the software supply chain.
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Move in-toto cross implementing tests to @in-toto #10

Open adityasaky opened 1 year ago

adityasaky commented 1 year ago


@PradyumnaKrishna has written some cross-implementation tests (and in the process discovered some issues). The next step is to have this reviewed and prepared for a move to the in-toto GitHub org.

SantiagoTorres commented 1 year ago


colek42 commented 1 year ago

I think this is great. /accept

trishankatdatadog commented 10 months ago


adityasaky commented 9 months ago

cc @JustinCappos @06kellyjac @SantiagoTorres for your votes on this one!

JustinCappos commented 9 months ago

+1 from me

06kellyjac commented 9 months ago

Sounds very positive +1

adityasaky commented 9 months ago

As we have the votes to go forward, can someone from the ITSC work with @PradyumnaKrishna to move forward with the transfer?

PradyumnaKrishna commented 8 months ago

Any updates?

06kellyjac commented 8 months ago

We can raise this at the in-toto community meeting tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face: