Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago
Format this better
It's hard to format this. Every arg behind the -vf flag
should be separated by a literal comma and NO SPACES to string them together as per ffmpeg syntax.
Any optional args must provide their own literal commas so as not to leave them stray
if disabled... Inline functions here are also confusing and "magical".
But we don't want to run them queuer side, only on final queueables.
logger.exception(f"[red] :warning: Couldn't encode proxy.[/]\n{e}") return f"{job.source.file_name} encoded successfully" @celery_app.task( bind=True, acks_late=True, track_started=True, prefetch_limit=1, soft_time_limit=60, reject_on_worker_lost=True, queue=celery_queue, ) def encode_segment(self, job_dict: dict): """ Celery task to encode proxy media using parameters in job argument and user-defined settings """ logger.debug(f"[magenta]Received job dict {job_dict}") project_metadata = class_from_args(ProjectMetadata, job_dict["project"]) source_metadata = class_from_args(SourceMetadata, job_dict["source"]) job = SplitTaskJob( settings=TaskSettings(**job_dict["settings"]), project=project_metadata, source=source_metadata, output_file_path=job_dict["job"]["output_file_path"], output_file_name=job_dict["job"]["output_file_name"], output_directory=job_dict["job"]["output_directory"], input_level=job_dict["job"]["input_level"], segment_number=job_dict["job"]["segment_number"], segment_range_in=job_dict["job"]["segment_range_in"], segment_range_out=job_dict["job"]["segment_range_out"], ) print(job) ps = job.settings.proxy full_output_path = os.path.join( job.output_directory, f"{job.output_file_name}_{job.segment_number}{ps.ext}", ) # Create proxy output directory os.makedirs(job.output_directory, exist_ok=True) # Print new job header ############################################ print("\n") console.rule("[green]Received segment encode job :clapper:[/]", align="left") print("\n") f"[magenta bold]Job: [/]{}\n" f"Input File: '{job.source.file_path}'" ) ################################################################### # Log job details"Temp Segment File: '{full_output_path}'")"Final Output File: '{job.output_file_path}'\n") f"Source Resolution: {job.source.resolution[0]} x {job.source.resolution[1]}" ) f"Horizontal Flip: {job.source.h_flip}\n" f"Vertical Flip: {job.source.v_flip}" )"Starting Timecode: {job.source.start_tc}") # Get FFmpeg Command ffmpeg_command = [ # INPUT "ffmpeg", "-y", # Never prompt! *ps.misc_args, "-i", # Segment range job.source.file_path, "-ss", # TODO: When should we convert these to str? str(job.segment_range_in), "-to", str(job.segment_range_out), # VIDEO "-c:v", ps.codec, "-profile:v", ps.profile, "-vsync", "-1", # Necessary to match VFR # TODO: Format this better # It's hard to format this. Every arg behind the -vf flag # should be separated by a literal comma and NO SPACES to string them together as per ffmpeg syntax. # Any optional args must provide their own literal commas so as not to leave them stray # if disabled... Inline functions here are also confusing and "magical". # But we don't want to run them queuer side, only on final queueables. # labels: enhancement # VIDEO FILTERS "-vf", f"scale=-2:{ps.vertical_res}," f"scale={job.input_level}:out_range=limited, " f"{ffmpeg_video_flip(job)}" f"format={ps.pix_fmt}" if ps.pix_fmt else "", # AUDIO "-c:a", ps.audio_codec, "-ar", ps.audio_samplerate, # TIMECODE "-timecode", job.source.start_tc, # FLAGS "-movflags", "+write_colr", # OUTPUT full_output_path, ] print() # Newline logger.debug(f"[magenta]Running! FFmpeg command:[/]\n{' '.join(ffmpeg_command)}\n") try: process = FfmpegProcess(,, command=[*ffmpeg_command], ffmpeg_loglevel=ps.ffmpeg_loglevel, ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"[red]Error: {e}\nRejecting task to prevent requeuing.") raise Reject(e, requeue=False) # Create logfile encode_log_dir = job.settings.paths.ffmpeg_logfile_dir os.makedirs(encode_log_dir, exist_ok=True) logfile_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(encode_log_dir, job.output_file_name + ".txt") ) logger.debug(f"[magenta]Encoder logfile path: {logfile_path}[/]") # Run encode job"[yellow]Encoding...[/]") try:, logfile=logfile_path) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"[red] :warning: Couldn't encode proxy.[/]\n{e}") return False return full_output_path @celery_app.task( bind=True, acks_late=True, track_started=True, prefetch_limit=1, soft_time_limit=60, reject_on_worker_lost=True, queue=celery_queue, ) def concat_segments(self, segment_file_paths: list[str]): logger.debug(f"[magenta]Received segments: '{segment_file_paths}'") # Sort ascending segment_file_paths = sorted(segment_file_paths) # Get output file name sample = segment_file_paths[0] directory = os.path.dirname(sample) name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sample)) prefix, _, _ = name.rpartition("_") concat_file_path = os.path.join(directory, prefix + ext) # As string concat_list = "|".join(segment_file_paths)"[yellow]Concatenating...[/]") subprocess.check_output( [ "ffmpeg", *settings.proxy.misc_args, "-i", f'"concat:{concat_list}"', "-c", "copy", concat_file_path, ] )
Closed in 6461cd567688f3848b88797221c5c33a6215128a
Format this better
It's hard to format this. Every arg behind the -vf flag
should be separated by a literal comma and NO SPACES to string them together as per ffmpeg syntax.
Any optional args must provide their own literal commas so as not to leave them stray
if disabled... Inline functions here are also confusing and "magical".
But we don't want to run them queuer side, only on final queueables.