in2code-de / instagram

Show instagram feed without API in a TYPO3 extension
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TYPO3 10.4.13 Scheduler Error #2

Closed konfuzius closed 3 years ago

konfuzius commented 3 years ago

Die Ausführung von Task "Konsolenbefehle ausführen (scheduler)" ist fehlgeschlagen mit folgender Meldung: Task failed to execute successfully. Class: TYPO3\CMS\Scheduler\Task\ExecuteSchedulableCommandTask, UID: 8

Scheduler ausgeführt manuell und via crontab. Andere Crons via "Konsolenbefehle ausführen (scheduler)" funktionieren bzw. werden ausgeführt.

TYPO3 10.4.13 Instagram 5.1.0 PHP 7.4

MacXdk commented 3 years ago

Error: "Field id specified more than once. This is only possible before version 2.1"

Where: /typo3conf/ext/instagram/Classes/Domain/Repository/InstagramRepository.php, line 141

Fix: Remove duplicate "id" and "username" from the fields-param

einpraegsam commented 3 years ago

Is this fixed?

einpraegsam commented 3 years ago

Or on other words. Did you change the code and this fixes the problem? If so, could you please provide a PR or write down here what you have changed?

MacXdk commented 3 years ago

This was already fixed on on Apr 13 with commit 02de2c951cf7739ec102e8d786c53830d1ac6c2b I only told you how to fix. I did not change anything or create a branch. :)

You might want to add one of the two removed id's, if you plan on using it among the other fields. Also media is not used (anymore) as a field-param when fetching IG-media

Line 141 should be: . '?fields=caption,id,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url,timestamp,username,'

einpraegsam commented 3 years ago

Ok, thx for the final feedback. At the moment I would let it as it is. Greetings, Alex