inCaller / prometheus_bot

Telegram bot for prometheus alerting
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Add alert duration field [feature] #36

Open mywkaa opened 6 years ago

mywkaa commented 6 years ago


Added new field "Duration" with time.Duration format , it equals of subtraction between endsAt and startsAt fields.

Example alert resolved: { "alerts":[ { "annotations":{ "resolve_message":"node-exporter is available test12345", "summary":"node-exporter is not available during 5 minute test12345" }, "endsAt":"2018-06-05T09:18:45.237509292Z", "generatorURL":"1111", "labels":{ "alertname":"Node exporter availability during 5 minute 12345", "instance":"22222", "severity":"critical" }, "startsAt":"2018-06-05T09:17:45.237509292Z", "Duration":60000000000 } ] }

mywkaa commented 6 years ago

In go templating this field looks like : {{ range $val := .Alerts -}} Alert duration: {{$val.Duration}} {{ end }}

result: Alert duration : 1m0s

hryamzik commented 6 years ago

So is result human-readable? Simple duration output is usually in milliseconds.

Can you also update README, please?

mywkaa commented 6 years ago

So is result human-readable? Simple duration output is usually in milliseconds.

Yes result is human readable, added "Truncate" to seconds to avoid ms output. Here is an example

Can you also update README, please?

README has no fields related documentation. Should I add new testdata file ?

hryamzik commented 3 years ago

@mywkaa Please add usage to readme and I'll be able to merge this