inLibro / koha-plugin-carrousel

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Enhancement- Improve accessibility by adding titles as text below image. #15

Open Raymund-UAL opened 1 month ago

Raymund-UAL commented 1 month ago

The carousel has atttracted attention of our UK government's website accessibility monitoring team. They do not like the 'images of text' and suggest the way we have the carousel currently does not comply with WCAG 1.4.5 ( I understand the feature builds a JSON file containing title and author details about the items. Perhaps the plugin could be enhanced to offer the information in the file placed below the image, in a similar way to the Koha ‘Browse the shelf’ feature. Carousel-github-notes.docx

Raymund-UAL commented 2 days ago

I have gone back to the Accessibility monitoring team, seeking exemption from compliance as the carousel is third party software that we did not pay for... there are various avenues to exemprion, but so far, no joy: “Thank you for providing more information on the issue WCAG Images of Text on the homepage. Please can you check if you are able to add text under each image to show the name of the title, this will therefore provide an alternate format clearly for users".