inProgress-team / react-native-meteor

Meteor Reactivity for your React Native application :)
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Transform on subscription #207

Closed JWDobken closed 7 years ago

JWDobken commented 7 years ago

A method I often use for client-side joins of two collections is transform. This is best explained with an example, where the collection Activities gets attributes from the collection libraryItems with the key libraryitem:

export default createContainer(() => {
  let activitiesSub = Meteor.subscribe('allActivities');
  let libraryItemsSub = Meteor.subscribe('allLibraryItems');
  var activities = Activities.find({}, {
      transform: function (doc) {
        doc.libraryitem = LibraryItems.findOne({
          _id: doc.libraryItemId
        return doc;
  return {
    activities: activities,
}, App);

This works perfect for me in Meteor React, but the transform method does not work in react-native-meteor. What is the best alternative for client-side-joins here?