inProgress-team / react-native-meteor

Meteor Reactivity for your React Native application :)
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Want help, use websocket in react native meteor, get a stuck in my web app.... #212

Closed liu0fanyi closed 7 years ago

liu0fanyi commented 7 years ago

I have a meteor server, and set websocket connection like this: METEOR_URL = 'wss://'; And yes, I can get my data from meteor server in react native.

but after that, each time I try to load my web app(clear cache before), have to wait for a long time for idle like this: image

and I found this in network: image

What should I do? I don't know how to continue, and come here... Thanks a lot

liu0fanyi commented 7 years ago

sorry , websocket stuck don't disturb web loading... after run both ios & android app, my js file in server can't load smoothly, and always stuck in firefox & ie... chrome just ok...but need more time to load js file...

maybe my server's bandwidth is not enough? I have only 1m bandwidth & 2g memory, and after run node & mongod, 1.8g memory will be used...