inProgress-team / react-native-meteor

Meteor Reactivity for your React Native application :)
MIT License
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Version conflict with create-react-native-app #299

Open leite08 opened 6 years ago

leite08 commented 6 years ago

When installing react-native-meteor on a clean app created with create-react-native-app I get the following version conflicts:

npm install --save react-native-meteor
npm WARN react-native-meteor@1.2.0 requires a peer of react-native@^0.46.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN react-komposer@1.13.1 requires a peer of react@^0.14.3 || ^15.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

If I try to fix any of the versions above, another thing breaks.

leite08 commented 6 years ago

The documentation states version 1.2.x needs RN > 0.49:

For RN > 0.49, use 1.2.x

This is the result of npm ls, stating version 1.2.0 needs RN 0.46:

npm ERR! peer dep missing: react-native@^0.46.0, required by react-native-meteor@1.2.0
npm ERR! peer dep missing: react@16.0.0, required by react-native-maps@0.19.0
npm ERR! peer dep missing: react-native@0.51.0, required by react-native-maps@0.19.0
npm ERR! peer dep missing: react@^0.14.3 || ^15.0.0, required by react-komposer@1.13.1

I might be doing something wrong, as I don't have much experience with npm dependencies and such.

This is my package.json:

  "name": "myApp",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "devDependencies": {
    "react-native-scripts": "1.11.1",
    "jest-expo": "25.0.0",
    "react-test-renderer": "16.2.0"
  "main": "./node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-native-scripts start",
    "eject": "react-native-scripts eject",
    "android": "react-native-scripts android",
    "ios": "react-native-scripts ios",
    "test": "node node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js"
  "jest": {
    "preset": "jest-expo"
  "dependencies": {
    "expo": "^25.0.0",
    "react": "^16.2.0",
    "react-native": "^0.52.0",
    "react-native-meteor": "^1.2.0"

Its a clean project created with create-react-native-app and added react-native-meteor.

deejayxd07 commented 6 years ago

+1 for this issue

julienkermarec commented 6 years ago

+1 too