inProgress-team / react-native-meteor

Meteor Reactivity for your React Native application :)
MIT License
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Open Mokto opened 8 years ago

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone,

With the work I've done/accomplished this week-end, I think we are close to a major 1.0.0 release. I would like to make a Todo List of what is needed for this final release.

Please feel free to contribute and tell me what's wrong/missing in this plugin.

I'll update this post according to your advice. Thanks !!

TODO in 1.0.0

radiegtya commented 8 years ago

Meteor.ddp.on("change") etc still not working on mine. Can you give some example about implementing that?

balibou commented 8 years ago

Hello, for Meteor.loginWith[Provider], maybe with a Oauth authentication like ?

@Mokto @spencercarli

spencercarli commented 8 years ago

I personally like the way that meteor does Oauth - more of an opt-in than baked in out of the box.

What I found when writing this Google Oauth tutorial is that there are a lot of moving parts on both the meteor side and RN side (especially configuration on the RN side).

Maybe it would be better to write docs/guides/tutorials for this and link to them in the README? Can we build extensions off of this npm package to enable oauth? i.e. react-native-meteor-oauth-google

Mokto commented 8 years ago

@radiegtya can you please create an issue regarding this ? It is not appropriate here.

@balibou The problem is that we have to add native code to this plugin event for users who don't use oauth signin.

@spencercarli I do not know yet what to do. There are 2 possibilities in my opinion :

1) Do what you say, it could be really nice to add plugins to extend features. In this case maybe we should move FSCollection to another plugin called react-native-meteor-collectionfs. Or just in case native code is needed. What do you think ?

2) Or maybe we should just call login method with credential token and credential secret and let each user do the work to get these credentials.

I do not know yet ^^

radiegtya commented 8 years ago

@Mokto : ok I'll :+1:

spencercarli commented 8 years ago

@Mokto I would rather go the first route - put as much work as possible on the extension packages rather than in application code. I've found with OAuth there are a ton of ways to mess it up and I would love to have one "right" way to do it.

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Ok, I'll go for first solution then. What do you think about plugins that don't need native code ? Shall I include them in this plugin ?

spencercarli commented 8 years ago

That's an interesting one - if it's in a different package then it can be released independently of the entire react-native-meteor package but then it's an additional repo to manage...

I guess it goes to the whole debate we often see in the Meteor community. Is it worth it to be a "core" package or should we split it out to more of a community type package?

I've offered no solutions, simply more questions haha

Mokto commented 8 years ago


CollectionFS seems to be pretty important to me so I'll let it in this package. I'll think about it for other packages.

radiegtya commented 8 years ago

What will you do with collectionFS @mokto? You want a complete one (saving data to gridfs/filesystem/s3, fetch the data, and modify the data) or you just want a part of it? This is interesting, ofc if you can implement it with combination of the popular react-native-image-picker

Mokto commented 8 years ago

No I want the full CollectionFS !

I have done what is needed to read data (this is more important to me) but eventually I'll add something to upload photo (by the way, I think it is already working, I just did not try yet).

React-native-image-picker sends base64 back, so the only thing that matters is to do Meteor.collection('images').insert(base64ImageData)

radiegtya commented 8 years ago

yeah it's working. I have tried 3 days a go lol. But video cannot be saved because it doesn't return base64Data on react-native-image-picker. I can't successfully convert the response.uri callback to base64 manually for video. Plus taken picture (not from camera roll) but directly using camera, the base64 file able to be saved to collectionFS, but it cannot be shown (on react native only) but the link able to be opened (very strange behaviour).

Dunno if it's appropriate to talk here. But if you can help me, it will be cool and ofc can be used to be added to Readme working example

Mokto commented 8 years ago just released, looking into it when I get time available.

philohelp commented 8 years ago

Just wanted to say many thanks for the great project. I hope Ill be able to help as soon as I get better at all this.

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Thank you !

Another thing for 1.0.0 : what do you think about documentation ?

Does anyone want to do it ? 👍

hakosl commented 8 years ago

@Mokto what do you think about using container components, the new react-meteor api as of 1.3

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Thank you for pointing this out !

Yes I think I have to fit new meteor specs... Looking into this soon.

everhusk commented 8 years ago

Might be useful for loginWithOauth:

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Thanks. I did know how to login with oauth. What takes time to do is implementing a native Facebook, Google, Twitter...etc login.

philohelp commented 8 years ago

In fact I really like the way you did it. What would be the gain with containers ?

Mokto commented 8 years ago

It's just a matter of preferences. getMeteorData would stay as it is now.

The pro of createContainer is to separate view and data, I think. I have not tried it yet ;)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Use of Promises would be nice to have. For example for subscriptionIsReady something like:

Meteor.subscribe("products").then(() => { // do stuff }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) });

Currently the MeteorListView does not trigger a renderRow if e.g. something in the state changed. So the only way right now to force an update of a row is to update the dataSource, which is quiet complicated in some cases.

Mokto commented 8 years ago

I try to fit the most to meteor client.

Subscribe already returns an reactive handle which returns ready when it is.

ghost commented 8 years ago

It is awesome that the usage is similar to Meteor (and so far the only library that I found which is using this way), but for me it causes problems in Meteor 1.3 as the handle.ready() always returns false, or at least is not causing a re-render. I have also created a question on stackoverflow.

Do I see that correctly, that the library is not compatible with Meteor 1.3 yet? For some reason the handle is not reactive for me... :(

Beside that: Great package that saves a lot of time!

Mokto commented 8 years ago

I just answered your stackoverflow asking.


ghost commented 8 years ago

Wow, so fast! Thank you so much! :) Really appreciate!

funkyeah commented 8 years ago

I just got done getting React Native up and running with @spencercarli 's boilerplate repo. I'm looking to spin this up next. A useful thing to have might be a limitations section in the README... what can't you do with this package that you would normally be able to do with Meteor because:

This limitation section could also help provide perspective on what else might be important to have.

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Absolutely right !

Will be adding this soon ! ;)

smooJitter commented 8 years ago

By the way, I'm not sure if this helps address limitations suggestion by @funkyeah but it seems like most of the meteor context is in order.

I like the idea of showcasing limitations, I was wondering if minimogo-cache and the trackr dependencies represent drop-In substitutes for minimogo and Tracker.

Mokto commented 8 years ago


Yes minimongo-cache and trackr are react-native compatible substitutes for minimongo and Tracker.

Your library is very interesting btw. I am now considering replacing minimongo-cache by What do you think ?

Thanks for the link !

spencercarli commented 8 years ago

I recently wrote a tutorial about oauth with facebook and used react-native-meteor and the new react-native-fbsdk. The way I'm doing things is pretty hacky but it may serve as a good example on how we could start creating packages for oauth.

The biggest challenge is going to be configuring the native packages for android and ios.

Mokto commented 8 years ago

Your article looks great !

Yes, it is a shame that there is no rnpm install yet.

I haven't got time available for this, but I had seen react-native-fbsdk too, and want to create a react-native-meteor-fblogin for this plugin, as we discuss earlier.

dredgerman commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am trying to do some research before starting a project,

I have coded with meteor working through tutorials etc and am really pleased to see that it has been integrated with react-native so I don't have to use cordova,

May I ask if it is possible to use your react-native-meteor to sync/link data from the meteor mongodb backend to an offline Realm db for full functionality in apps when in offline mode,

If so do you have any suggestions how this may be accomplished either now or in future features of your plugin?

Looking at this seems to be way things are going to go with react-native and also from what meteor team are saying that they will be integrating further with react on-going it would be a useful step to add the realm 'connection' into your plugin rather than a completely new solution, would appreciate any advice or feedback you may give,

Thanks very much,

Mokto commented 8 years ago


Yes, offline subscriptions is one of most needed feature with this plugin. But unfortunately I have no time to deal with this feature right now.

I do not know Realm db to be honest, but I cannot see how this would help this plugin. I was more thinking about using to save data into cache.

Thanks for your feedback ;)

mlumbroso commented 8 years ago

Hi, first, thanks for your awesome work.

I'm starting with Meteor, React, React Native and would love to see examples of apps built using react-native-meteor that use social login. Are there such on github or tutorials?

Thanks for your answer :-)

Mokto commented 8 years ago


Thanks !

@spencercarli did an article on Facebook Login.

jacklam718 commented 8 years ago

I hope can have promise for and some other methods, like Meteor.Accounts.createUser, Meteor.loginWithPassword etc.

tafelito commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, first of all thanks for putting al this together. I've been using Meteor for a while and now I'm trying to deep into react native and looking at what you did looks is very exiting. I was bale to put project together using user/password and facebook auth with this package and reading a few of @spencercarli articles, that btw are so helpful. I used the react-native-fsdk too. Tying everything together was challenging since it's not as straightforward as it is nowadays with meteor, where you pretty much have a package to do anything. It would be great to be able to do the same using react-native. It's being a while since you last updated this, so I was wondering what was your progress putting the fb-accounts package or any other accounts package, if you are still working on it.

Thank you