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Bayesian stats blog series #20

Closed david-beauchesne closed 3 years ago

david-beauchesne commented 6 years ago

Freshly coming off a week of doing bayesian statistics for a lot of us, myself, @KevCaz and @SteveViss have discussed the possibility of coming up with a series of blog posts on the use of bayesian stats in ecology. With Kevin, here are a few thoughts we've had for the posts. If you are interested in helping out or have ideas of your own, please feel free to comment!

Series title: Bayes in Ecology, Ecology of Bayes, etc?

  1. Bayesian statistics phylosophy (general post on bayes and the structure of the series of blog posts) (w/ formula)
  2. Conjugate (material ready, @KevCaz)
  3. Prior & posteriors (material ready, @KevCaz)
  4. Data choice/impact
  5. Bayes vs frequentist approach (material ready, @KevCaz)
  6. Revisit classic foundational paper in ecology that uses a frequentist approach
  7. Metropolis-Hastings (rcpp, @KevCaz)
  8. Hierarchical models (Gibbs w/ metropolis hastings)
  9. How to interpret results (Metrics to interpret results)
  10. Existing Bayesian tools
  11. Bayesian model averaging

HEADER: short description of blog series that is repeated in every post of the series, to include in the yaml portion of the rmd.

KevCaz commented 5 years ago

Regarding this, I an thinking about writing a series more general math-oriented.

KevCaz commented 5 years ago

1- context + phylosophy + resources (blog / distributions/ ...) 2- likelyhood 3- lm 4- glm

KevCaz commented 5 years ago

I created this repo. Instead of post I think for series books make more sense!

KevCaz commented 3 years ago

Won't do it.... at least not in a foreseeable future.