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video format #39

Closed KevCaz closed 1 year ago

KevCaz commented 6 years ago

So far, I am the only one that has used video in a post (@david-beauchesne used .gif files IIRC) and I have used .webm files. Thanks to @ahasverus I am now aware that it does not work on Safari and as mentioned on the wiki page about this format, it actually requires a plugin to make it work with Safari. So what shall we do?

  1. use 1 format for all, if so which one?
  2. use 2 different formats (or more) .webm and another one for Safari (which one?) and use a html code that would allow the correct selection /wiki/Optimizing_content_for_different_browsers:_the_RIGHT_way
  3. another option? (a pop up saying do not use Safari 😸 )!

Once decided, we should mention this in our contributing section that is nit created yet #36.

KevCaz commented 3 years ago
KevCaz commented 1 year ago

H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and webm are good choices, up to the author to use either!