inab / SmartRNASeqCaller

SmartRNASeqCaller is a post-processing pipeline to improve germline variant calling from RNA-Seq data
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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How to prepare resource files for hg38 ? #1

Closed ahy1221 closed 5 years ago

ahy1221 commented 5 years ago

Dear developers, Thanks for the workflow. My dataset is aligned to hg38 but not hg19. I was wondering that is that possible to apply the classification model for hg38 . If so, how to prepare resource files for the whole workflow, especifially for the splice4bp and rnaedit files ?

mbosio85 commented 5 years ago

Hello, It is definitely possible to apply the model to hg38. To prepare the resources you can:

Hope it helps.


ahy1221 commented 5 years ago

Thanks very much. I have got hg38 resource files successfully following your instruction.

travelanywhere commented 4 years ago

Could you maybe put the hg38 resource files somewhere others can use it as well?