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Contacts should include the community_roles #115

Closed redmitry closed 2 years ago

redmitry commented 4 years ago


We need to distinguish OpenEBench community users by their roles (and thus permissions) to manage the data.

"community_roles": {
    "title": "Community roles applied to the contact",
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
        "type": "string",
        "enum":  [ "admin", "???" ]

Note that we already have the "contact_type", but the purpose is different. Q. How compatible they could be? Example: "contact_type": "helpdesk", "community_roles": ["admin"]

Your opinions are welcome.


javi-gv94 commented 4 years ago

Nice! My suggestion for the roles would be: admin (us), manager, developer, other

redmitry commented 4 years ago

lo unico que es mejor prefijar "community_admin", "community_manager"... porque esos roles van a ser roles de KC y KC tiene un role "admin" por defecto. Que os parece?

javi-gv94 commented 4 years ago

what would be the difference between "community_admin", "community_manager" then?

redmitry commented 4 years ago

... good point. "openebench_admin"?

jmfernandez commented 3 years ago

Question to @redmitry , are roles managed by server side code based on (hidden) entries of ?

jmfernandez commented 2 years ago

Is this issue related to issue #79 @redmitry ?

redmitry commented 2 years ago

IMO this issue is deprecated. We have Privilege collection where all roles are defined