inactivist / chrome-qfind

QFind extension for Google Chrome
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RFC: Google Analytics tracking #14

Open inactivist opened 10 years ago

inactivist commented 10 years ago

In v0.0.0.18 only, popup/popout page loads were tracked using asynchronous Google Analytics methods. Tracking is disabled by default in all subsequent releases.

I'm trying to get a handle on usage data but haven't yet figured out a good way to do it besides Analytics. Mainly interested in tracking installs/uninstalls and basic usage patterns.

Analytics also allows me to track application errors so I can use it as a rudimentary crash reporter as well.

I plan to add an opt-in configuration feature ASAP but as of, there is was no way to avoid the tracking within QFind.

As an aside, users should see no change in performance. I've taken great pains to ensure that the external analytics scripts are loaded after all important initialization and search functionality completes, so QFind should appear to behave fine even on slow or flaky internet connection (believe me, I know, my internet connection was quite slow with major packet loss while I was testing the new code!)

Please drop a comment and let me know if this raises any concerns.

Specific questions

  1. Do you object to any tracking, or specifically Google Analytics?
  2. If you object to Google Analytics, would another tracking system raise fewer or no concerns?
    1. I'm thinking of using gauges or something like it. Would that be less objectionable?
  3. Would you object to always-on tracking of install/uninstall, with or without the usage tracking discussed above?
  4. Would you object to bug reporting using Analytics or other system? Analytics can be used to track exceptions.
    1. Would you prefer this be opt-in or opt-out?
bartola commented 10 years ago

no concerns with analytics here, but it would be nice to have the control as you suggest.

inactivist commented 10 years ago

@bartola Thanks for the feedback. That's next on my list (options page with settings.) I may also pop up a prompt on install/update to let users opt out immediately rather than hunt down the settings page.

inactivist commented 10 years ago

Note: As of release v0.0.0.19 (which has been pushed to the Chrome Web Store) all tracking is disabled by default (see change log) and I plan to enable it only by explicit user opt-in at install time or in user configuration settings.

I'd appreciate additional feedback moving forward, so I'll leave the issue open.