If the wpool_pool supervisor exits because it hits the worker restart intensity limit, wpool_sup does not restart the pool.
wpool_sup is the parent supervisor to wpool_pool supervisors. wpool_pool supervises the workers in a worker pool. wpool_sup uses the 'transient' restart strategy. The 'transient' restart strategy restarts the child if the child exit reason is not 'normal', 'shutdown', or {'shutdown', Term}. If a supervisor terminates because it hits the restart intensity limit, the exit reason is 'shutdown'. Should this occur, wpool_sup will not restart the failed supervisor.
If the wpool_pool supervisor exits because it hits the worker restart intensity limit, wpool_sup does not restart the pool.
wpool_sup is the parent supervisor to wpool_pool supervisors. wpool_pool supervises the workers in a worker pool. wpool_sup uses the 'transient' restart strategy. The 'transient' restart strategy restarts the child if the child exit reason is not 'normal', 'shutdown', or {'shutdown', Term}. If a supervisor terminates because it hits the restart intensity limit, the exit reason is 'shutdown'. Should this occur, wpool_sup will not restart the failed supervisor.