inasafe / inasafe-doc

Documentation project for InaSAFE
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Organization Diagram #22

Closed mach0 closed 11 years ago

mach0 commented 11 years ago


As the project has a lot of "connections" I am currently trying to start with an organization diagram / Organigram. For that I would need the names, the position and the email address of all persons involved into the InaSAFE project. I see a lot of people here connected to github with their nicknames but not all have their real names beside the login name and there is no description (developer/translator/team leader...) at all .. The main reason is that I created a mailing domain for and we now have that address which should be forwarded to more (at least 3) persons involved. Therefore I am currently searching for the email addresses of the responsible persons in all companies to get an foward mailaddress for That mail adress would be published at the bottom of the upcoming InaSAFE page: "Contact for more information." it has been Ole's mail address for a long while and I don"t know yet how much traffic will be there.


@wonderchook @emirhartato @vanpuk @timlinux Would you please give me the Details who is currently involved in your company/organisation with the InaSAFE Project and which address I should put on the "list". I will also create a Diagram with yed which will show the connection between persons and companies and their responsibility.

vanpuk commented 11 years ago

From my end I think there should be someone from BNPB, WB-GFDRR and AIFDR as well as linfiniti. BNPB - I suggest Pak Agus - WB-GFDRR - Abby Bacca - AIFDR - Kristy Van Putten - Linfinit - TImlinux and mach0 I am happy to direct questions where needed to the HOT team (wonderchook and emirhartato).

ingenieroariel commented 11 years ago

I would like to be added to too. My email is my username at gmail dot com.

From the World Bank we have Abigail Baca and Liana Razafindrazay, and from GFDRR Ariel Núñez and Robert Soden.

mach0 commented 11 years ago


I ran into an issue that I can not create more than 3 forwards in ZOHO mail (which hosts the mailing domain for now) which has not been documented on their webpage..


I am creating another google group called inasafe-info (beside the already existing ones inasafe-dev and inasafe-user) and forward any mail arriving at to that group .. which is on invite only. keep you updated here

mach0 commented 11 years ago

things seem to work .. so there is no more need to be added to the forwarding list on ZOHO ( So anyone willing to join can either send a request to or

request a subscription at and I will enter the address manually

For the Diagram I would still need some email addresses and information about the position of the person .. I add what I have got so far .. if you know some of the (to me) unknown facts please help me in getting an overview.. thanks a lot


vanpuk commented 11 years ago


Emails going to may not get answered - with to many people attached to the mailing list "someone else will do it" mentality may occur

Solution 1

1 or 2 people from each organisation is put on this list and then its their job to send it on to the right person.

Solution 2

Anyone can go on the list, but there are specific people assigned to take responsibility for example:

mach0 commented 11 years ago

You are right!

From my QGIS experience decreasing the amount of people is not good, so I'd rather take Solution 2. The more people they are, the bigger is the chance that someone is answering questions (I still don't know how many feedback there will be). With "anyone" you mean really "anyone" so even people that are not affiliated with any of the companies can join the list? Because that seems to me more like a inasafe-users list case (which we already have). I more thought that the info@inasafe is for specific questions about InaSAFE as a first entry point where the users can be sent to the inasafe-users mailing list or the github page afterwards if they don't find it on their own. I think we have to wait what (and how many) messages will arrive (I can imagine everything from 1 mail per month to 200 mails per day).

mach0 commented 11 years ago

Closing this issue as there were two Questions involved. Opening a new one with only Mailquestion soon ..

emirhartato commented 11 years ago

Hello all, I apologize for late reply. @mach0 I'll sent you other HOT team that involved with InaSAFE to your email

takmid commented 11 years ago

@mach0 ; I know it is late, but I hope it still can be considered.

I hesitated to respend to this for some reasons including where to put our commitment into existing boxes :). After a while, I think as we had quite active Q&A many Indonesia QGIS-InaSAFE users, would be glad to contribute to deliver request and responses regarding issues, thoughts from offline courses and online discussions we had (and will have) along the InaSAFE development.

So please put Trias Aditya ( or and Dany Laksono (e-mail: in the box of community users or in exisitng blue box (I just noticed I was there?)...

Glad to hear your feedback

Thank you

mach0 commented 11 years ago

@emirhartato @takmid

Thanks for your input .. I added the ones you suggested .. @emirhartato : The Team members you sent are also on the hotosm mailinglist? ? So I think I should now have everyone involved into InaSAFE .. thanks a lot .. I get a clearer Picture ..

emirhartato commented 11 years ago


yes, all the team members I sent is included on the list :)
