inasafe / inasafe

InaSAFE - QGIS plugin for estimating impact from natural disasters
GNU General Public License v3.0
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InaSAFE needs a 'postcard' #1659

Closed Charlotte-Morgan closed 9 years ago

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

the idea

We need a snappy way of promoting InaSAFE at conferences.

the design

We will start working on this tomorrow We want to have something ready for the 3rd WCDRR in Sendai 14-18th March 2015.

input welcome

If you want to contribute to the design, concept, content. If you have already done something similar Please contribute through this ticket.


@MariaSolovyeva @iyan31 @fredychandra @wonderchook @assefay @maning @vdeparday @timlinux @sindhu

Sindhunata commented 9 years ago

@Charlotte-Morgan Test, here is my github account.

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @sindhunata

Here are some new 'InaSAFE concept' diagrams I have been working on as we discussed this morning. I will email you these and the icons



Sindhunata commented 9 years ago

Hi all, here are two possible options for the A5 postcard. Open for critics and suggestions.

1a 1b 2a 2b

About the CD/DVD, we are thinking of putting the existing InaSAFE videos and the offline installation files of QGIS and InaSAFE plugin. By the way, @Charlotte-Morgan, should we use"Better Map Templates"? If it is a generic publication material, I'd suggest to change the word "better" to "variety of" since the former implies a previous condition. What do you think?

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @Sindhunata - thanks for this. +1 to not use "better". how about saying "More map templates" Hi @MariaSolovyeva - this ticket is for HOT to do as it is part of their contract. We are just seeking input from everyone who is interested. I will assign it back to Sindhu :)

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

@Charlotte-Morgan, thank you :) It can be a good visual to incorporate in the about section of the website, will keep the idea! @Sindhunata, just to let you know, you can already start using new visuals of InaSAFE, to keep consistency of all communication materials, you can find them here and the style guide here Good luck

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

Hi @MariaSolovyeva Thanks for the reminder to have a look at the work you have done. It's great to have a 'style guide' to help us. I like everything. My only concerns are

Other things - @MariaSolovyeva - are you working on updating visuals for the InaSAFE concept diagram as used here ( - because that is where I have started as I need to give many presentations explaining InaSAFE and I'm slowly tweaking the diagram to help me explain things. I will happily start using the colours etc in the style guide. However we also have corporate styles to use that are different :)

@Sindhunata - have you shared other HOT materials for InaSAFE with Maria so that she knows what else has been done - i'm thinking of the stickers & the other Gunungan we already have.

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

Hi @Sindhunata - more specific comments on the postcard. Thanks for working up this design. I realise that my original design idea is missing one element :( it should have said - picture on one side and text on the other. Do you think we need to add a bit of text about the project (i'm thinking of existing text that we already use in many places. ie text that has been approved and used by AIFDR and World Bank. Regarding graphics - please use the icons that are already used in the software and I think maybe make the icons bigger and the text smaller. i also prefer 'straight' text :) The words "InSAFE Reality" are mine for my presentations - i dont think they belong on the diagram.

Have you discussed printing with anyone? Are there any restrictions on the number of colours used?

timlinux commented 9 years ago


Also note that I will be presenting about InaSAFE at FOSSASIA and would probably like to give the same core presentation - the conference is over 13/14/15 March 2015.

And yes please use @MariaSolovyeva 's style guide if at all possible and store newly created graphics in the repository.



Sindhunata commented 9 years ago

Hi @MariaSolovyeva and @timlinux, sorry I did not know there was a style-guide for InaSAFE. Here, I have created some modifications, based on the InaSAFE style-guide. I also used the new logo.

@MariaSolovyeva I am about to send you email consisting the swags that Wulan (HOT Trainer) had made before.

@Charlotte-Morgan I decided to mix the concept and reality in one picture, and change the term "reality" into "operationalisation." However, there are also other possible options:

  1. Method
  2. Practical Use
  3. Implementation About the printing, I haven't discussed it with anyone, but based on my experience, number of colours used will not be a problem.

@all: Perhaps, any other idea for the title? The modified design options are stored in this google drive link:

Let me know what do you think about them.

Best, Sindhu

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

Hi @Sindhunata - thank you so much for working up these ideas. I hope we get some feedback @assefay @vdeparday @fredychandra etc @MariaSolovyeva - i wonder if you could also come up with a design to show us how you would use the style guide. ie can we use a pale background & stay within the guide? Just put dummy text in for now but give us an idea of how much text is relevant on this type of product and then we can find some words to use. I have also done some more work on the concept diagrams using your style guide. Is there some way that I can share the powerpoint slides with you? if not i have pasted the update below - i plan to use this in a presentation this week. Happy to get any feedback

![Uploading image.png . . .]()

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@Sindhunata - i think the designs look a bit dark and might be hard to read. I prefer the 2 columns of text but it looks like a lot of text. Here is the postcard for RASOR which was the reason I thought that we could do a postcard for InaSAFE image

fredychandra commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm just thinking possibility to breakdown or describe what kind of MAPs? What REPORTS are? and Lists of ACTIONS? as results after run InaSAFE. It might be a symbol (picture) or texts.

@Charlotte-Morgan @Sindhunata

wonderchook commented 9 years ago

@Sindhunata Looking through this now. Here are some comments:

  1. Don't put dark colors on top of other dark colors. You can use light colors, look at the flyer Charlotte shared above. It is fine to put it on top of white or an off-white color.
  2. Using non-style guide colors where appropriate is fine. I think especially for illustrations of thinks like the impact it makes sense to use more "real world colors".
  3. There needs to be clear contact information somewhere on the card as well. Where to get InaSAFE, how to get help, etc....
  4. The text on the back is too long. I'd say the RASOR postcard has too much text as well, we want people to glance and know what InaSAFE is in 30 seconds. I'd suggest pulling some of the text from here:

If it would be helpful to have a brief chat let me know.

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @wonderchook +1 for all the above. I have the text you refer to in 4 above that i can share

Sindhunata commented 9 years ago

@fredychandra that would be great, can you help me to specify each items, then I will try to conceive perfect symbol for each item. @wonderchook thank you for the thorough feedback Kate, I will consider them on the next design, especially point number 4. @Charlotte-Morgan sure, I will use lighter colour for the background.

Be right back.

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

Hi @Charlotte-Morgan and @Sindhunata, here is an example of use the guide colors. I used the dumyy icons though @Sindhunata, do you work in Photoshop? I can send you the .psd file so you can use and modify the layout postard2-preview

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

Another side, with images postard1b-preview

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @MariaSolovyeva - thank you! These look great - certainly starting to get some of the 'snappy' covered. I really like the wavy lines and the simple design of the back with less text. Some comments:

wonderchook commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva I agree that these look great. One of the common misconceptions about InaSAFE is that it comes with the data. As Charlotte said there needs to be at something visual or in text that suggests "you take your own data and run an impact analysis". Maybe it could say "InaSAFE combines your hazard data and your exposure data". Probably too complicated to suggest where people get the data from? If not here are some suggestions on where people would get that data.

Hazard: -government science agencies -university research agencies

Exposure: -OpenStreetMap -Census Information -WorldPop -Government GIS Departments

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

i prefer a visual que if possible rather than changing the very standard words that we use everywhere

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi everyone - this is progressing well. like all the chat in hip chat. Just a reminder - we need this finished and printed on Monday :) keep up the good work

timlinux commented 9 years ago

Just for the record, here is the log from our hipchat:

TS: but I have a few comments too MS: ok TS: so those would be front side and back side right for the same card? for the front side I think the orange is a little too much MS: yes, I should try with other colors as well TS: yes that would be great the wavey lines are great MS: maybe blue or green with little orange accent TS: the minimimalistic icons are great yes I leave it to you to come up with something I sent you an email this morning with a few requests some of which come out into the postcard e.g. having logo with url use lower case letters so not MS: yes I see TS: also the logos at the bottom if you can separate them out so they are spaced more across the bottom MS: yes ok TS: MS: maybe still leaving some nice visual whitespace boxing around the inasage logo and then fill the remaining space evenly with the logos other items charlotte mentioned too: Ill just remention some important ones: 1) Wizard should be spelled with a 'z' MS: oops TS: 2) The keywords wizard needs to be used on both hazard and exposure data so somehow the diagram should reflect that MS: ok MS: and OSM downloader only for Exposure, right? TS: I love the way you have done the sub icons under the hazard and exposure boxes so keep that correct just the exposure one needs also a subicon for population / people MS: ok TS: 3) the text in the center box "InaSAFE produces maps, records & and action list" I think instead of that it should say: "InaSAFE produces maps, reports & action lists" TS: 4) The top title "The concept and operationalisation of InaSAFE" we need to get rid of that as per @charlotte's checklist item MS: ok TS: did @charlotte's other comments make sense? User defined minimum needs box goes as a sub box of reports same way you have sub boxes in hazard and exposure MS: ok, I think I got it all MS: will be modifying it tomorrow morning, if there is something, I will ask TS: ok cool the back page is absolutely gorgeous not much to comment on it other than to emphasise that the software is Free and Open Source software MS: ok, will remember TS: great stuff MS: thank you! MS: ah, I had a question TS: ok MS: there is a box "set analysis extent" MS: what kind of icon i can put for it MS: and is it connected directly to InaSAFE logo TS: perhaps a marquee or a magnifying glass MS: ok TS: you could perhaps move it as a box attached to the central box then move teh impact wizard box into the center 1 sec let me make a rough pen sketch MS: ok TS: just give me 2 mins


sorry its a terrible drawing @Maria but hopefully it gives an idea of what I am suggesting MS: yes, very clear so I remove the InaSAFE logo from the center TS: hopefully you can make it clear and beautiful :-) I think so we have it in several other places MS: ok MS: tomorrow will send the result

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

Hi @all,

Here is modified front-side, few colors examples. What about the texts for the back-side? Is there anybody who is preparing it? All the blocks of the template I shared are adjustable, so we can adapt it to differents text blocks, change their amount, etc.

postard2-preview postard2b postard2c

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva Wow - this looks good. let me find you some text for the back-side !!

there is still a wizard typo :)

@timsutton & @wonderchook - what do you think about icons for food, water and shelter under the reports?

@maning @assefay @vdeparday - any comments?

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago


OOps, will fix it!

I would need also the printing requirements, like

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva Here is some backside text, taken from existing brochures and other relevant sources (@vdeparday - plagarism alert). I expect there is too much but lets give it a go. As for typography - sorry, I'm sure others can help with that.

What is InaSAFE? InaSAFE is free software that produces realistic natural hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response activities.

How does it work? InaSAFE provides a simple but rigorous way to combine data from scientists, local governments and communities to assess the possible impact of future disaster events. The software allows the user to assess the impact a single hazard would have on vulnerable people, assets and infrastructure; and can calculate the resources required to support the affected population.

Who can use it? Anyone with basic computer skills will quickly learn how to use InaSAFE to explore the potential impact of a disaster event and to produce maps and reports. The InaSAFE wizards lead a user through the process of locating their data, choosing an impact function and assessing the likely damage that a hazard will cause to vulnerable people, assets and infrastructure.

Where does the data come from? InaSAFE is designed to use and combine existing data from science agencies, local governments, and communities. Normally, information on the location of people and important assets are provided by local communities and government departments responsible for each sector, often through facilitated disaster preparedness and planning exercise. Where spatial data doesn’t exist, external tools such as OpenStreetMap ( are available for governments and communities to map assets that are important to them.

How much does it cost? InaSAFE is free. InaSAFE was initially developed through collaboration between the Indonesian and Australian Governments and the WB-GFDRR. It has now been used in a number of countries around the world and there is growing demand from governments around the world to use InaSAFE for a range of DRM applications.

Where do I get more information? The InaSAFE website ( has more information and instructions for installing InaSAFE.

timlinux commented 9 years ago

Maybe we should unpack the DRM acronym too - Disaster and Risk Management ?

@Charlotte-Morgan wrote:

what do you think about icons for food, water and shelter under the reports?

Yes that would be good!

timlinux commented 9 years ago

and @MariaSolovyeva this is looking fantastic!

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @MariaSolovyeva - just showed my text to Dom & the design to the logo police. Let me edit text and get back to you. I also need to change 1 logo :) @timlinux

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva take 2 on the text .....

What is InaSAFE and how much does it cost? InaSAFE is free. InaSAFE, developed jointly by Australia, the World Bank and Indonesia is free software that produces natural hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response activities - it uses innovative science and crowd sourcing techniques (OpenStreetMap, OSM) to create realistic disaster scenarios and is in demand by disaster managers across Indonesia and around the world. How does it work? InaSAFE provides a simple but rigorous way to combine data from communities, local governments and scientists to assess the possible impact of future disaster events. The software allows the user to assess the impact a disaster would have on a community, its assets and infrastructure; and can calculate the resources required to support affected populations.

Who can use it? Anyone with basic computer skills can learn to use InaSAFE. The software leads the user through the process of locating their data, choosing an impact function and assessing the likely damage that a disaster will cause to a selected community.

Where does the data come from? InaSAFE is designed to use and combine existing data from communities, local governments and science agencies. The location of people and important assets are often provided by communities. Where spatial data doesn’t exist, external tools such as OpenStreetMap ( are available for governments and communities to map assets that are important to them.

Where do I get more information? The InaSAFE website ( has more information and instructions for installing InaSAFE.

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @MariaSolovyeva - i've sent you email with Logos and DFAT branding requirements.

We need to use image

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the feedback, @Charlotte-Morgan and @timlinux

Here is the version with icons for the reports and modifies logos. BTW, which color variant do you prefer, so I continue with the one?


Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @MariaSolovyeva Looking good & thank you so much for pitching in with your expertise. Lets stick with the orange one as that is the DM colour (so i've been told)

Happy to know how the backside is holding up. let me know if there is too much text. Thank you again.

timsutton commented 9 years ago

@Charlotte-Morgan I think you meant @timlinux :)

fredychandra commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva and @Charlotte-Morgan I suggest we add health symbol (Logo) also under REPORT. In Sphere Project MInimum Standard - there are 4 main sector for minimum needs standard sector : 1) Water and Sanitation ; 2) Food Security, Nutriment and food item; 3) Shelter / non-food item and 4) Health.

fredychandra commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva @Sindhunata

Text for the ACTION (back side) we can use based on InaSAFE Checlist Action :

  1. How will warnings be disseminated ?
  2. How will we reach stranded people ?
  3. Do we have enough relief items?
  4. If yes, Where can we obtain additional relief items from and how will we transport them to there?
  5. If No, Where can we obtrain additional relief items from and how will we transport them to here?

It would be nice if we can transform it into symbol and put some under ACTION (front side). In my mind like Early Warning System symbol and evacuation, perhaps you have it?

Sindhunata commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva I can work with .PSD through GIMP. Can you send me the .PSD through email?

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

Hi @Charlotte-Morgan, @timlinux, @fredychandra,

Here is what I currently have: need to think how to tweak the layout to add the text for action

postard1b postard2b

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

@fredychandra , could you share with me the Early Warning System symbol, how it looks like?

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

Hi @MariaSolovyeva - thanks for latest. @fredychandra & i are discussing any final edits and will get back to you soon. The logo police and DFAT clearance have some more comments :( but then we are done :)

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva - here is the latest re logos. please use 4 and in the order as supplied. have also been asked if we need logos front and back. I like them centered on the back. should we take them off the front (what would go in the place?) image

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

@Charlotte-Morgan, if we remove them in the front, we can center the small InaSAFE logo and maybe add some tagline. Like the one which @timlinux proposed for the t-shirt "Better planning saves lives" ?

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

hi @MariaSolovyeva

here is the final text

What is InaSAFE? InaSAFE is free software and was developed jointly by Indonesia, Australia and the World Bank. It uses innovative science and crowd sourcing techniques (OpenStreetMap, OSM) to create realistic disaster and hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response activities. It is in demand by disaster managers across Indonesia and around the world. How does it work? InaSAFE provides a simple but rigorous way to combine data from communities, local governments and scientists to help assess the possible impact of future disaster events on communities, assets and infrastructure. It also calculates the resources required to support affected populations.

Who can use it? Anyone with basic computer skills can learn to use InaSAFE. The software leads the user through the process of locating their data, choosing an impact function and assessing the likely impact that a disaster will have on a selected community.

Where does the data come from? InaSAFE is designed to use and combine existing and new data from communities, local governments and science agencies. Where spatial data doesn’t exist, external tools such as OpenStreetMap ( are available for communities and disaster managers to map assets that are important to them.

Where do I get more information? Visit the InaSAFE website @

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

Hi @MariaSolovyeva

Fredy & I agree to skip the action lists - ie no new action text required

fredychandra commented 9 years ago

sorry @MariaSolovyeva I just want to clarify and revise what I mean is not exactly the EWS itself but more sound like "How will an analysis output of InaSAFE could disseminate. This is to avoid bias information about InaSAFE function. As agree with Charlotte, we skip also for the EWS or evacution symbol :). Thanks

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

ok - sounds like we are done!! thanks @fredychandra

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@MariaSolovyeva - when you are done. Please post for final checks then we need to go to production:

Thanks everyone!!

MariaSolovyeva commented 9 years ago

Here are the final versions:

postard1b postard2b

Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago


Charlotte-Morgan commented 9 years ago

@ Maria - tweaks please. Front: remove logo from bottom and center the "Better Planning Save Lives" text Back: please reorder logos left to right as per the image attached

Text edits - by section: What is InaSAFE - change "software and was" to "software that was" Where does the data ... - change url from "" to "" ... more information - remove "@" how does it work - do not allow hyphenation "disaster"

:) thanks !!