inaturalist / iNaturalistAndroid

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Basic accessibility improvements #1026

Closed kueda closed 3 years ago

kueda commented 3 years ago

There's a lot to be done in this department. I'm going to try and restrict this issue to things we can do in code without visual design input.

I think that will deal with a lot of the most basic issues that come up in tools like the Accessibility Scanner app and the Accessibility Pre-Launch Report on Google Play.

I realize that a lot of this requires authoring text, which I expect will take a few rounds of discussion before we get it right, but please just do your best to add labels where appropriate and that should at least get the conversation started.

This is definitely something to work on in a branch.

And, for the record, doing all this will probably not even get us to the level of "barely adequate," but it's a start. There are a lot of contrast issues that impact our branding that we'll need to discuss with Abhas, and I think once we've done our due diligence technically we might want to see if we can talk to some people who might use these features for a reality check. There are some OK resources at if you want to read up on any of it.

kueda commented 3 years ago

Have yet to take a comprehensive look, but one weird thing is that the captive/cultivated fish has returned to the toolbar on obs detail.

budowski commented 3 years ago

Weird - will fix this!