inaturalist / iNaturalistMLWork

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provide identification body exports for Grant & Subhransu #27

Open alexshepard opened 4 months ago

alexshepard commented 4 months ago

I sent them the export that Ken-ichi made for me in December.

Need to document how that was produced here.

Find out from the Umass guys if they need regular exports of this content. If so, figure out a schedule and routinize it.

alexshepard commented 4 months ago
psql inaturalist_production -c "COPY ( 
SELECT, AS ident_taxon_name, AS previous_obs_taxon_name,
  identifications i
    LEFT JOIN taxa it ON = i.taxon_id
    LEFT JOIN taxa pot ON = i.previous_observation_taxon_id
  LENGTH(body) > 100
) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER" > ~/kueda/idents-long-bodies-20231211.csv
alexshepard commented 4 months ago

grant wants us to add:

observation_id: id of the observation so that we can open up the associated web page and look at the images, and link to all the other observation metadata. ident_taxon_id: so that we can link to the iNat taxonomy. previous_obs_taxon_id: similarly, so that we can link to the iNat taxonomy.

alexshepard commented 4 months ago

can this be the same dataset that we make in #44 ?