[ ] Two tabs, one shows what's currently in Notifications (notifcaitons about your own obs), and the other shows notifications about other people's obs
[ ] Each tab has an indicator showing whether there's unviewed content there
[ ] Add new translation keys for notifications-user1-added-comment-to-observation-by-user2 and notifications-user1-added-identification-to-observation-by-user2
[ ] Make sure the VOWORCON() Fluent function works, b/c Romance language translators will really need it for those two new keys
[ ] Notifications icon in bottom tabs should show a new content indicator if there's new stuff on either tab
[ ] Test the tabs with some longer text. The should ellipsize if there's overflow
This should be fairly light
Design needs:
Fluent function works, b/c Romance language translators will really need it for those two new keys