inbo / INBOmd

An R package with a collection of RMarkdown styles and templates. Elaborate examples are available at
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Switch to another monospace font? #15

Closed ThierryO closed 7 years ago

ThierryO commented 7 years ago

Currently we use Courier New as monospace font. It's not very pretty and quite wide. I've tested a fex alternatives: Inconsolata, Latin Modern Mono and Nimbus 15 Mono. monospace.pdf provides a small example using the four different fonts.

Should we stick with Courier New or select on of the others? I suggest that all members from @inbo/bmk and @inbo/open-data cast their vote by commenting on this issue.

PaulQuataert commented 7 years ago

For me, inconsolata is hard to read, the other two are OK. Good idea to change the font.

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

From the 4 options, I have a slight preference for Inconsolata, but I also like Droid Sans Mono and Consolas (default in Sublime). Is it possible to add those to the mix? :smile:

ThierryO commented 7 years ago

Sure. The fonts are added to the new file. The fonts are ordered based on the width of the characters from narrow to wide. All font sizes are equal. Note that in the dummy paragraph index.Rmd and the URL are in the mono spaced font while the main font is Calibri.

florisvdh commented 7 years ago

Beware that Consolas and Courier New have proprietary licenses. See this list on Wikipedia for an overview of open-source fonts. Another one perhaps worth trying - not on that list but recommended by Lucas Westermann - is Hack.

DimEvil commented 7 years ago


ThierryO commented 7 years ago

That's not a mono spaced font @DimEvil. So not an option ;-)

ThierryO commented 7 years ago

@florisvdh Calibri is neither free but still required by the INBO corporate style

florisvdh commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, yes... "Still required" is not forever ;-)

ElsLommelen commented 7 years ago

If I look at the numbers, Inconsolata and Consolas are difficult to read because of the zero, and I do not like the style of the numbers of Latin Modern Mono. The font size of Droid Sans Mono looks rather large compared to Calibri, and Nimbus 15 Mono looks hardly different from Courier New... Is it possible to add Droid Sans Mono in a smaller font size?

florisvdh commented 7 years ago

For now, I am using Inconsolata (as specified in the inconsolata branch), within our templates, and I like it. Code chunks and output look clean, are well readable and they fit well with the rest of the template. It is sans serif (which I prefer) and it is a bit narrower (efficient use of space).

Only one remark. Inconsolata fits 'so well' with Calibri in the text paragraphs (for inline code) that it is not always obvious that another font has been used for inline code. So, in conjuction with using Inconsolata, I would prefer to see inline code in a grey font (not too light, not too dark). That would make it more distinctive. But I see no need to do that for normal code chunks and output.

ThierryO commented 7 years ago

I've updated monospace.pdf again. The changes:

My personal favourite combination is smaller size with a light grey background with Inconsolata or Droid Sans Mono font

ElsLommelen commented 7 years ago

I would prefer Droid Sans Mono with smaller size (80%) and dark grey foreground (70-80% ?)

florisvdh commented 7 years ago

I think smaller size only works well for Droid Sans Mono, and for that font 80% looks better than 100%. At 80% it is more efficient than Inconsolata at 100%, regarding width. I like the font as such, but I prefer zeroes with a slash or dot inside, to make the distinction between plotO (with letter 'O') and plot0 (with zero) for example. In Droid Sans Mono that is hard. In fact, among the fonts in the pdf, only Inconsolata provides zeroes with a mark.

I would propose two further additions:

ivyjansen commented 7 years ago
florisvdh commented 7 years ago

I guess that this issue can be closed.

ThierryO commented 7 years ago

fixed in #14