inbo / INBOmd

An R package with a collection of RMarkdown styles and templates. Elaborate examples are available at
GNU General Public License v3.0
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pandoc #75

Closed jwijffels closed 3 years ago

jwijffels commented 3 years ago

I'm using a modified variant of INBOmd for slides. I noticed that using the latest Rstudio which ships an updated pandoc, the conversion from Rmd to tex provides other code tags. From the docs at

Format tokens using HTML spans inside code tags. For example, A KeywordTok is rendered as a span with class kw. Short class names correspond to TokenTypes as follows: KeywordTok = kw, DataTypeTok = dt, DecValTok = dv, BaseNTok = bn, FloatTok = fl, CharTok = ch, StringTok = st, CommentTok = co, OtherTok = ot, AlertTok = al, FunctionTok = fu, RegionMarkerTok = re, ErrorTok = er, ConstantTok = cn, SpecialCharTok = sc, VerbatimStringTok = vs, SpecialStringTok = ss, ImportTok = im, DocumentationTok = do, AnnotationTok = an, CommentVarTok = cv, VariableTok = va, ControlFlowTok = cf, OperatorTok = op, BuiltInTok = bu, ExtensionTok = ex, PreprocessorTok = pp, AttributeTok = at, InformationTok = in, WarningTok = wa. A NormalTok is not marked up at all.

That give latex compilation issues indicating AttributeTokwas not found in a simple chunk like where that n = was wrapped using that AttributeTok.

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ... {rnorm}\NormalTok {(}\AttributeTok 
                                                  {n =} \DecValTok {500}\Nor...
l.11 ...ibuteTok{n =} \DecValTok{500}\NormalTok{)}

As you can see in the .tex which generated this error

\NormalTok{x }\OtherTok{\textless{}{-}} \FunctionTok{rnorm}\NormalTok{(}\AttributeTok{n =} \DecValTok{500}\NormalTok{)}
\NormalTok{x }\OtherTok{\textless{}{-}} \FunctionTok{cumsum}\NormalTok{(x)}

My guess is that you have the same issues in e.g.

x <- rnorm(n = 500)
ThierryO commented 3 years ago

I've noticed that too (I'm running daily build Rstudio).

Fixed in #69

jwijffels commented 3 years ago

Hadn't looked at that pull requests, seems fixed indeed there. Let me close this.