inbo / INBOmd

An R package with a collection of RMarkdown styles and templates. Elaborate examples are available at
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update #87

Closed hansvancalster closed 2 years ago

hansvancalster commented 2 years ago

Update of installation instructions.

Regarding the step "install some other needed latex packages " I wonder if this can be skipped or rather whether the list of needed packages should be extended. Skipping the step would postpone the installation of these packages to the first time an INBOmd report is build to PDF (???). On the other hand, this will add to an already long list of LaTeX packages that will be installed on the fly (mdframed, zref, needspace, marginnote, babel, babel, babel, carlisle, eurosym, upquote, wrapfig, colortbl, pdflscape, tabu, varwidth, threeparttable, threeparttablex, environ, trimspaces, makecell, footmisc, tocloft, titlesec, ulem, lastpage, fancyhdr, emptypage, placeins, parskip, eso, grfext, oberdiek, pdfpages[*]) and this seems quite a brittle process given I had some trouble with the LaTeX mirror being too slow or not responding. So maybe it's better to explicitly include all of them in the installation instructions?

I used inbo.r-universe for preferred way to install INBOmd. I also moved the installation of LaTeX packages into one command call as I didn't saw a reason to split it over two calls (but maybe there is, so please check).

[*] note that these packages are the ones that get installed when building the unaltered template provided by INBOmd for a report

hansvancalster commented 2 years ago

Maybe we need to write INBOmd::install_latex() to simply the installation.

Good idea! I'll make an issue about it. In the meantime I will merge this PR.