inbo / camtrapdp

R package to read and manipulate Camera Trap Data Packages (Camtrap DP)
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Update `read_camtrapdp()` docs: don't read all resources #93

Open PietrH opened 4 days ago

PietrH commented 4 days ago
          Alrighty! I would suggest making note of this behaviour (we don't read everything, only default tables) in the documentation of `read_camtrapdp()`

Originally posted by @PietrH in

PietrH commented 4 days ago

@peterdesmet So, If I understand you correctly a user is supposed to get custom/extra resources out of a Camera Trap Data Package via x$data, but via frictionless::read_resource()

Like this:

frictionless::read_resource(camtrapdp::example_dataset(), "individuals")
#> Error in `get_schema()`:
#> ! Resource "individuals" must have a profile property with value
#>   "tabular-data-resource".

Created on 2024-07-04 with reprex v2.1.0

It seems like this currently doesn't work, because frictionless::read_resource() only supports tabular data. Do you have any plans on supporting non tabular data in frictionless::read_resource()?

PietrH commented 4 days ago

I think it's important to get a better idea of how we'd recommend getting these custom resources out, before we write the docs on them.

PietrH commented 4 days ago

Note to self: snippet on how to read non tabular resources