inbo / craywatch

Craywatch project website
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Add team members #27

Closed fjasteen closed 1 month ago

fjasteen commented 1 month ago

Add the different team members of the Craywatch project

peterdesmet commented 1 month ago

Please remove or update any properties (photo, description, etc.) that do not correspond with that team member: Pretty sure @biekemaex is not "Mutant cyclops"

margotvermeylen commented 1 month ago

For the layout it is best to have a description by each person's name, I'm not sure what this should be though. I someone wants anything specific or has an idea, let me know.

damianooldoni commented 1 month ago

@timadriaens and I (@damianooldoni) will send a picture and a short description to be added to the team page. See as reference/example.

damianooldoni commented 1 month ago

I think @peterdesmet should definitely be added too. @peterdesmet: can you send text and image too? I have still to do it.

biekemaex commented 1 month ago

Helemaal akkoord! :)

peterdesmet commented 1 month ago


- name: Peter Desmet
  role: Open data coördinator
  description: >
    Peter is gepassioneerd door open data en open onderzoek. Hij is open data coördinator bij INBO's [Open science lab for biodiversity]( en biedt technische ondersteuning aan voor Craywatch.
  orcid: 0000-0002-8442-8025
  researchgate: Peter-Desmet
  github: peterdesmet
biekemaex commented 1 month ago

@peterdesmet of @damianooldoni, op mijn lokaal gerenderde site ziet de foto van Tim er normaal uit, maar nu ik de commit heb doorgevoerd ziet dat er op de eigenlijke website zo uit: image

Wat loopt hier mis?

peterdesmet commented 1 month ago

ah, dat ligt aan de hoofdletters in JPG. Ik zal even alle filenames lowercasen (can niet zo eenvoudig via GitHub Desktop).

peterdesmet commented 1 month ago

All images are now lower_snake_case. Note that a number of images are not used and are best deleted.

damianooldoni commented 1 month ago

Here my description: picture is, similar to @peterdesmet, an URL.

- name: Damiano Oldoni
  role: Onderzoekssoftware ontwikkelaar
  description: >
    Damiano is de trekker van de [INBO coding club]( en ondersteunt onderzoekers door (open) software te schrijven. Hij is onderzoekssoftware ontwikkelaar bij INBO's [Open science lab for biodiversity]( en biedt technische ondersteuning aan voor Craywatch.
  orcid: 0000-0003-3445-7562
  email: [](
  researchgate: Damiano-Oldoni
  github: damianooldoni
biekemaex commented 1 month ago

@damianooldoni , I think this line "email:" gave me some issue. I did it the same way as Peter did "email:" for you as well and that was accepted. I'm just wondering, should a link normally open when you click on those envelopes?

timadriaens commented 1 month ago
peterdesmet commented 1 month ago

The bare email is the right approach (as you did @biekemaex ). Clicking will open an email client.