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Station_name does not equal deployment_station_name in detections table #64

Closed LienReyserhove closed 3 years ago

LienReyserhove commented 5 years ago

vliz.detections_view includes two fields for station_name: station_name and deployment_station_name. I would expect that these values of these fields are identical. This is not the case for the following stations though. Could this be corrected in the database?

  1. Cases where station_name is more or less similar to deployment_station_name
station_name deployment_station_name
A1-Bis bpns-A1BIS
Belreef 1 BPNS-Belreef1
bpns-OH6 bpns-O6
bpns - WK12 bpns-WK12
CNB07 bpns-CNB07
Dendermonde s-Dendermonde
Lier GN gn-Lier
LIER KN kn-Lier
LIER SA bn-Lier
M-1-1 M-1
M-2-1 M-2
M-3-1 M-3
M-4-1 M-4
M-4A-1 M-4A
M-5-1 M-5
M-6-1 M-6
me-7 me-7-2
S-1-1 s-1
S-2-1 s-2
S-2A-1 s-2a
S-3 s-3
S-3-1 s-3
s-4-1 s-4
S-4A-1 s-4a
s-4b-1 s-4b
s-4c de-3
s-4c-1 s-4c
s-5-1 s-5
s-6-1 s-6
s-7-1 s-7
s-8-1 s-8
s-9-1 s-9
S9-2 S09-2
ST010 S10
ST08 S08
st09 S09
ST12 S12
ST13 S13
ST14 S14
ST15 S15
ST17 S17
st18 S18
st18 ak-29
st7 S07
Wetteren s-Wetteren
Wichelen s-Wichelen
ws-2c ws-2C
ws-PPb ws-PPB
ws-pvtss ws-PVTSS
Zandvlietsluis Albertkanaal B zandvlietsluis haven B
  1. Cases where station_name is deviating from deployment_station_name
station_name deployment_station_name
120095 ma-2
1 PPC ws-PPC
2 ak-3
3 ak-1
4 ak-5
8 ak-8
9 ak-11
Boudewijnsluis Albertkanaal ak-44
Boudewijnsluis Schelde ak-45
bpns-oostduinkerke bpns-Whitley
Diepenbeek SA ak-25
Duwvaartsluis Ham ak-32
Genk SA ak-23
Genk SO1 b ak-21
Genk SO na 19 november ak-22
Ham SA ak-33
Ham Sluis Midden ak-31
Hasselt SO ak-26
Haven SA Braakman bh-37
Houten brug SA gemaal bh-31
kanaal Dessel-Schoten ak-43
Kwaadmechelen-Dessel 21-08-15 ak-34
Leopoldkanaal nood zoekt troost bh-22
M-6 de-7
Meuse-amont Monsin et c. Albert (Metro) ak-9
Olen SA ak-36
Olen SO ak-35
Royersluis Albertkanaal ak-42
Royersluis Schelde ak-41
sa hasselt (11 mei 2015) ak-27
SA stuw St Laureins bh-5
Schelde - Rijnverbinding ak-48
Sluis RO Ham ak-30
so diepenbeek (11 mei 2015) ak-24
STUW SINT LAUREINS SO (vervanging) bh-6
Toevoerkanaal Isabellagemaal bh-21
Toevoerkanaal WKC Ham ak-28
Uitzet SO2 ak-19
Voorhaven Zeebrugge s-2
Wijnegem SA ak-40
Wijnegem SO ak-39
Zandvlietsluis Schelde ak-47
PieterjanVerhelst commented 5 years ago

I checked the stations for project Zeeschelde (with s- in station name), 2012_leopoldkanaal (with bh- in station name), and the three Westerschelde arrays (with ws- in station name). Here are the station names that need to be changed:

@jreubens could you check the station names for the bpns? @IPauwels could you check the station names for the Albert Canal? Especially the receivers involved in the VPS study in Ham (with HH and st in the station name)? The others, with ak- in the station name are correct.

jreubens commented 5 years ago

@fwaumans on which level do we have each of this names? I guess deploy_station_name is on deployment level and the relevant one...

fwaumans commented 4 years ago

I missed this issue. We keep track of station name on

I think the one on deployment level is the most relevant one.