inbo / etn

R package to access data from the European Tracking Network
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get_acoustic_deployments(): additional fields needed? #206

Closed peterdesmet closed 2 years ago

peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

The following fields are available in the table acoustic.deployments, but were not returned by the original get_deployments(). Some of them are available in the application. @jreubens @PieterjanVerhelst can you have a look and tell me if any of these need to be added to the data frame returned by get_acoustic_deployments()?

field shown in app example remark
dep.check_complete_time CHECK_COMPLETE_TIME all empty  useful?
dep.voltage_at_deploy - 3.6  useful?
dep.voltage_at_download  VOLTAGE_AT_DOWNLOAD 3.3  useful?
dep.location_description LOCATION_DESCRIPTION Wilfordkaai 5, Temse; aan meerpaal nabij brug useful? This is different from STATION_DESCRIPTION (which is taken from LOCATION_NAME
dep.date_created  - 2018-01-18 12:43:54 keep internal
dep.date_modified  -  2018-05-28 08:27:30  keep internal
dep.distance_to_mouth  DISTANCETOMOUTH  874  useful?
dep.source - source excel inbo keep internal
dep.acousticreleasenumber  ACOUSTIC_RELEASE_NUMBER 4023   only include for cpod
dep.hydrophonecablelength  HYDROPHONE_CABLE_LENGTH 1  only include for cpod
dep.recordingname  RECORDING_NAME \archive\other_platforms\b&k\COVID-19\20200429_Zeekat\Heinkel 111 only include for cpod, view also has a calculated resolved_acousticreleasenumber
dep.hydrophonesensitivity HYDROPHONE_SENSIVITY -170  only include for cpod
dep.amplifiersensitivity AMPLIFIER_SENSIVITY 3.16 mV  only include for cpod
dep.sample_rate  SAMPLE_RATE 48000  only include for cpod
dep.external_id - all empty keep internal
PieterjanVerhelst commented 2 years ago

For acoustic telemetry (so not CPOD; no expertise on that so can't judge), these fields are not useful and do not need to be retrieved by the get_deployments() except for dep.date_created. In what sense does dep.date_modified differ from that field?

jreubens commented 2 years ago

agree with @PieterjanVerhelst

peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

Thanks. @PieterjanVerhelst adding dep.date_created is a bit an odd to me. It's a typical internal database field recording when a record was created (and for dep.date_modified when a record was updated). We do not have this on any of the other tables or functions. It it not the same as dep.deploy_date_time. Do you still want this field to be added?

PieterjanVerhelst commented 2 years ago

The moment of deployment can be used to analyse if fish were not detected if a deployment was simply absent. However, if I understand correctly, dep.deploy_date_time is actually more suited for that, so okay to keep this field in and leave dep.date_created out.

peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

Thanks, then no fields need to be added. Closing issue.