inbo / etn

R package to access data from the European Tracking Network
MIT License
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my_projects #42

Closed jreubens closed 4 years ago

jreubens commented 6 years ago
stijnvanhoey commented 6 years ago

I can find an owner_organization field linked to the tags or linked to the receivers in the database and an owner_pi linked to the tags.

@bwydoogh do you tackle this on the dbase level, extending the vliz.projects_view view? Or should I setup an appropriate query? If the latter, please explain me how to properly connect the owner_organization with the projects.

bwydoogh commented 6 years ago

@stijnvanhoey The table tags has a field owner_group_fk, referring to the table etn_group (and there you can grab the field name). The same is true for the receivers-table.

Regarding PI: no changes foreseen yet (we will get that information from IMIS and will not store it in ETN. @jreubens Correct? This was what we discussed last week, right?)

jreubens commented 6 years ago

regarding PI : no changes are indeed foreseen currently

stijnvanhoey commented 6 years ago

@bwydoogh I think this need to be tackled by the vliz.projects.view itself, as I do not have the rights to access the etn_group table:

Error: <SQL> 'SELECT * 
FROM vliz.etn_group'
  nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1587: 42501: ERROR: permission denied for relation etn_group;
Error while executing the query 
bwydoogh commented 6 years ago

@stijnvanhoey No, that would not be the right place (as this is information on tag and receiver level). I granted access to etn_group (there are no secrets in that table). So please try again.

stijnvanhoey commented 6 years ago

@bwydoogh I think it would be good to have a quick control on my attempt to setup the query to make sure the animal/network owner group is linked properly. If I am correct, I have to JOIN differently for both animal versus network projects:

SELECT projects.*, 
        WHEN projects.type IN ('network') THEN
        WHEN projects.type IN ('animal') THEN 
        ELSE NULL
      END AS owner_organization
   FROM vliz.projects_view AS projects
     LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT  DISTINCT deployments.projectcode AS network_projectcode,
        FROM vliz.deployments_view AS deployments
         JOIN vliz.receivers AS receivers ON (receivers.id_pk = deployments.receiver_fk)
         JOIN vliz.etn_group AS etn_group ON (etn_group.id_pk = receivers.owner_group_fk)
        ) AS network_temp ON (network_temp.network_projectcode = projects.projectcode) 
            AND projects.type IN ('network')
     LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT DISTINCT animals.projectcode AS animal_projectcode,
        FROM vliz.animals_view animals 
          JOIN vliz.animal_tag_release AS animal_tag_release ON (animals.id_pk = animal_tag_release.animal_fk)
          JOIN vliz.tags AS tags ON (animal_tag_release.tag_fk = tags.id_pk)
          JOIN vliz.etn_group AS etn_group ON (etn_group.id_pk = tags.owner_group_fk)
        ) animal_temp ON (animal_temp.animal_projectcode = projects.projectcode) 
            AND projects.type IN ('animal')
bwydoogh commented 6 years ago

@jreubens @stijnvanhoey I don't know how I should interpret the question of @jreubens but a project has no owning group. A receiver has its owning group and a project isn't link to a receiver but to a receiver deployment. And a group gets access to a project. But there is no immediate 1-on-1 relationship between a project and a group. So, @jreubens, what exactly do you want?

jreubens commented 6 years ago

I'll discuss this with @bwydoogh on dblevel and come back to this one!

jreubens commented 6 years ago

another remark, currently also the CPOD projects are listed (as they are part of the same database) This should be avoided @bwydoogh I guess this should also be tackled on DB level?

bwydoogh commented 6 years ago

@jreubens On project level we already have a field project_type. But that field is not present in the view. I'll add it (... and done ;-)...). Is this sufficient to continue?

jreubens commented 6 years ago

Just discussed with @bwydoogh. On project level there is the fiels 'administrators'. We will add an extra field to assign one of the administrators as PI. Once we have this field available, the link can be made and added to the output

stijnvanhoey commented 6 years ago

@jreubens, if I understand correctly, the package does not need adjustments regarding this issue? All on dbase level?

jreubens commented 6 years ago

adjustment is indeed on DB level. @bwydoogh is administrator (and later PI) available on the view?

bwydoogh commented 6 years ago

@jreubens No, administrators is not part of any view. It is a concept which exists in the ETN dataportal only, and I strongly believe this should stay like that. Administrators (how it is functionally defined right now) get some additional access rights in the Dataportal. Why should those administrators be exposed by this package? PI (Principal Investigator) is something else... that has some functional meaning. And yes, once the concept of a PI has been implemented we can add it to the project_view.

bwydoogh commented 6 years ago

And yes, once the concept of a PI has been implemented we can add it to the project_view.

Done, and available by the field principal_investigator (project_view)

stijnvanhoey commented 6 years ago

@damianooldoni should we add this in a separate unit-test (although it would test dbase-structure instead of package functionality...), just to make sure thus keeps available?

damianooldoni commented 6 years ago

@stijnvanhoey : it sounds reasonable, yes. A unit-test testing the presence of field principal_investigator in output df of get_projects() sounds basic but useful. A link to this issue as comment in unit-test file as well, I think.

peterdesmet commented 4 years ago

Trying to close this issue. From what I gather, all action items are completed/discussed and are all relating to the projects view

Knowing the principal_investigator of a project seems sufficient to me, but @jreubens @PieterjanVerhelst @IPauwels please reopen if that is not the case.