inbo / fish-tracking

🐟 Collection of scripts for processing and analysing fish tracking data
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Link to glatos R package in doesn't work #61

Open damianooldoni opened 3 years ago

damianooldoni commented 3 years ago

The link in doesn't work. @PieterjanVerhelst, do you maybe mean this:

PieterjanVerhelst commented 3 years ago

Indeed, that is currently the correct, working link. However, in the beginning we started this repo, the idea was to bring all kinds of acoustic telemetry functionalities together in 1 package. Since the people from GLATOS already had a package (i.e. the glatos-package), we would merge our developed functions in their package. However, there are no such plans on the table anymore. This can still be the case or we can aim to develop a package on our own and, for instance, add these post-processing functions to the etn-package. @damianooldoni, what do you think?

peterdesmet commented 3 years ago

However, there are no such plans on the table anymore.

Why is this?

PieterjanVerhelst commented 3 years ago

I think we just lost contact a bit and there were no plans on specific developments. We can still suggest to add the fish tracking functionalities to the glatos-package. Just 2 minor remarks on this: why not add them to the etn-package (or is the goal of this package solely data download?)? I am not a big fan of adding our code to a package that has a project-specific name (i.e. glatos). If we would centralize acoustic telemetry data functionalities in one package with various, international partners, the name of the package should be more self-explanatory.

peterdesmet commented 3 years ago

The scope of the etn package was data access. We can extend it to analysis functions, but ideally still with a clearly defined scope. I don't know the scope of the glatos package that well, but if that one already has a good coverage of analysis functions, and the one regarding rivers fits within that scope, I think it's worth adding it there, despite the name.

PieterjanVerhelst commented 3 years ago

The glatos-package also includes functionalities to download data from GLATOS and OTN (i.e. read_glatos_detections() and read_otn_detections()). Check Contents on, where you can read that the package involves both data access and processing. Therefore, it could become confusing when we add our code to the package, since the package is more of a glatos/otn product. Consequently, I think it is more interesting to extend the etn package with functionalities within a clearly defined scope as suggested.

PieterjanVerhelst commented 3 years ago

Just to document, but the idea is to link at least the calculation of receiver distances to Hugo Flavio's ‘actel’ R-package (