inbo / iassetR

Interact with the iAsset api using R
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Come up with a better name for this package #11

Closed PietrH closed 7 months ago

PietrH commented 8 months ago

This package is more general than just vespa-watch, it'll work just as well for other domains on iAsset. And in fact, we are planning to use it for our other project on our domain as well.

I'm open to any suggestions!

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

Some suggestions from

PietrH commented 8 months ago

Suggestions by OSCIBIO:

Is this a package which will contains wrappers around iAsset API? Than something like riAsset? in analogy with rgbif and pygbif or riasset

PietrH commented 8 months ago

Some suggestions from

* iassetR: This name follows the convention of adding an "R" to indicate that it is an R package, and it is short and easy to remember.

* assetR: This name is similar to the previous suggestion but without the "i" at the beginning, which could make it easier to type.

* admiralR: This name is inspired by the existing "ADaM in R Asset Library" package listed in the search results [2](
  . It is short and memorable, and the "R" at the end indicates that it is an R package.

* accessAPI: This name is more descriptive and straightforward, indicating that the package is used for accessing an API. It is also short and easy to remember.

I just checked, and they are all available, except assetR. So I'm afraid that one is out.

I prefer a name that has a clear name to iAsset, I quite like the feel of library(iAsset) , and the repo can then be called inbo/r-iasset to make clear it's the r library.

SanderDevisscher commented 8 months ago

I prefer iassetR

PietrH commented 8 months ago

I'm ok with iassetR, lets switch it up next week

SanderDevisscher commented 7 months ago

lets do it

PietrH commented 7 months ago

Alright, I'll get to it

PietrH commented 7 months ago

Renaming a package is notorious for causing issues, so we'll need to check thoroughly.

PietrH commented 7 months ago