inbo / n2khab

R package with preprocessing functions and standard reference data for Flemish Natura 2000 (N2K) habitat (HAB) analyses
GNU General Public License v3.0
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read_ functions: control assert_that messages in case of error #106

Closed cecileherr closed 3 years ago

cecileherr commented 3 years ago

I got errors with vage formulation such as:

Error: assert_that: length of assertion is not 1

It could be useful to check when this type of errors occurs and to add a "msg = " argument when needed

Here is a (probably uncomplete) list of arguments for which the standard error messages should be checked:

cecileherr commented 3 years ago

The following error messages are ok and do not need further explanation:


> read_habitatstreams(file = file.path(fileman_up("n2khab_data"), "10_raw/habitatstreams2"))
 Error: Path 'C:\Users\cecile_herr\GitHubRepos\n2khab_data/10_raw/habitatstreams2' does not exist

> read_habitatstreams(file = NA)
 Error in file.exists(file) : invalid 'file' argument

assert_that(is.flag(source_text), noNA(source_text))

 > read_habitatstreams(source_text = "rr")
 Error: source_text is not a flag (a length one logical vector). 

> read_habitatstreams(source_text = NA)
 Error: source_text contains 1 missing values  


> read_habitatmap_stdized(version = 2)
 Error: version is not a string (a length one character vector).
cecileherr commented 3 years ago

Obscure errors occur when the folder "n2khab_data" is not found, that is when fileman_up("n2khab_data") returns NULL (typically when I try to use the n2khab layers from a -temporary- script om my desktop for a quick check.


> habitatmap <- read_habitatmap()
 Error: assert_that: length of assertion is not 1 

> habitatmap_st <- read_habitatmap_stdized()
 Error in if (nchar(dsn) < 1) { : argument is of length zer
cecileherr commented 3 years ago

Could this be a solution? (an example with read_watersurfaces)

Replace this:

read_watersurfaces <-
    function(file = file.path(fileman_up("n2khab_data"),
             extended = FALSE,
             version = "watersurfaces_v1.0") {




by this:

read_watersurfaces <-
    function(file = NULL,
             extended = FALSE,
             version = "watersurfaces_v1.0") {

        if (is.null(file)) {

            if (is.null(fileman_up("n2khab_data"))) {
                stop("n2khab_data folder not found")
            } else {
                file = file.path(fileman_up("n2khab_data"),

        } else {



florisvdh commented 3 years ago

Thanks for having a look. First note that the <- function(............) part is used by roxygen2 to generate the documentation, notably the usage section. Therefore I suggest to keep showing actual defaults to the user if possible.

So I'd keep the default, but in order to get better behaviour, you could update fileman_up() to not return NULL if name is not found (lines below) but instead error with stop(name, " was not found. Searched up to ", path). What do you think?

Then, if n2khab_data is found but file is not present, error message should be something like:

> assertthat::assert_that(file.exists(file = file.path(fileman_up("n2khab_data"),
+                                                      "10_raw/habitatstreamsies")))
Error: Path '/media/floris/....../n2khab_data/10_raw/habitatstreamsies' does not exist

NULL IMO is more appropriate for optional arguments with no obvious default, e.g. if the argument only triggers an (extra) action when user assigns a value to the argument. Then having a default NULL in the usage section still makes clear it is not a required argument (in contrast to no default at all). Compare with

cecileherr commented 3 years ago

Yes, you are right, I was overlooking roxygen2. A change in fileman_up() seems the way to go.

Shall I implement this change (while I am busy) or do you prefer to do it yourself?

florisvdh commented 3 years ago

Shall I implement this change (while I am busy)

Yes, please.

florisvdh commented 3 years ago

Solved by #114.