Need to go through all landing page templates and make sure any ACF elements that might be used as a a converting link to pass through our link tracking filters.
Might could target all ACF link values. This would be a lot easier than manually reviewing editing all templates, but tracked links inside non link values will not get tracked. So may need to include link/url input types, wysiwyg input types and text and textareas.
This would impact page load speed, but the speed could be recovered with caching.
Need to go through all landing page templates and make sure any ACF elements that might be used as a a converting link to pass through our link tracking filters.
Might could target all ACF link values. This would be a lot easier than manually reviewing editing all templates, but tracked links inside non link values will not get tracked. So may need to include link/url input types, wysiwyg input types and text and textareas.
This would impact page load speed, but the speed could be recovered with caching.