inboundnow / retired-leads

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Checkbox & Radio values not being mapped via js mapped_fields #147

Open atwellpub opened 8 years ago

atwellpub commented 8 years ago

Checkbox values are not being included in the lead map when adding a new lead.

I tried mapping to a custom field and to a core field. Neither one carried over to the Lead profile or showed in the array of mappable data.

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atwellpub commented 8 years ago


Hey David I believe this issue is a priority issue for us. I have two customers wanting to leverage custom mapping with checkboxes and radios but they are not making it through. Will you look into this one for us?

DavidWells commented 8 years ago

Haven't touched this in a while. Can you give me the code to create the custom mapping you are using?

The name/values sounds like they aren't matching up with the custom meta field

atwellpub commented 8 years ago

Try adding this to your local's functions.php and changing the type to checkbox:

I do not think the js detects and maps the checkboxes/radios.

atwellpub commented 8 years ago

ping on this one

DavidWells commented 8 years ago

The form ajax is pushing the data through in the raw params.

wpleads_upper_company=choice-1 is in the raw params and was a checkbox field.

This is the data sent in the ajax POST. action:inbound_lead_store full_name:false first_name: last_name: raw_params:test=test& url_params:{"wp-cta-variation-id":"0","inbound-customizer":"on","cache_bust":"pBeJdDTCyI","inbound-preview":"true","wmode":"opaque","lp-variation-id":"0","dt":"2015082218","dont_save":"1","template-customize":"on","live-preview-area":"txWi65wkVwhr6fFFb7sBXNyArEE3mUnbAtB","inbound-editor":"true","post_type":"landing-page","p":"119500","page_id":"11","drafts_for_friends":"baba_8A5KTEJ","post":"","sc":"[inbound_form id=\"119429\" name=\"Form Name\" lists=\"\" redirect=\"\" notify=\"\" notify_subject=\"{{site-name}} {{form-name}} - New Lead Conversion\" layout=\"vertical\" font_size=\"16\" labels=\"top\" icon=\"\" submit=\"Submit\" submit=\"Submit\" submit_colors=\"off\" submit_text_color=\"#434242\" submit_bg_color=\"#e9e9e9\" width=\"\"][inbound_field label=\"Test\" type=\"text\" description=\"\" required=\"0\" exclude_tracking=0 dropdown=\"\" radio=\"\" checkbox=\"\" range=\"\" placeholder=\"\" field_container_class=\"\" field_input_class=\"\" html=\"\" dynamic=\"\" default=\"\" map_to=\"\" divider_options=\"\"]\n[inbound_field label=\"email\" type=\"text\" description=\"\" required=\"0\" exclude_tracking=0 dropdown=\"\" radio=\"\" checkbox=\"\" range=\"\" placeholder=\"\" field_container_class=\"\" field_input_class=\"\" html=\"\" dynamic=\"\" default=\"\" map_to=\"\" divider_options=\"\"]\n[inbound_field label=\"Uppercompany\" type=\"radio\" description=\"\" required=\"0\" exclude_tracking=0 dropdown=\"\" radio=\"Choice 1, Choice 2\" checkbox=\"\" range=\"\" placeholder=\"\" field_container_class=\"\" field_input_class=\"\" html=\"\" dynamic=\"\" default=\"\" map_to=\"wpleads_upper_company\" divider_options=\"\"]\n[/inbound_form]","iframe_window":"on","post_id":"119400","TB_iframe":"true","width":"640","height":"703","amp;lp-variation-id":"0","amp;inbound-preview":"true","amp;wmode":"opaque","ver":"4.3","preview":"true"} search_data:test page_views:{"60":["2015/12/01 00:27:52"],"119500":["2015/12/01 00:28:01"]} post_type:landing-page page_id:119500 variation:0 source:Direct Traffic

Raw form data is not being saved and is not being looped over @atwellpub did you turn this off?

This never runs and the custom values are not saved from the raw form params.

Turn it back on and the radio works.

atwellpub commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the help. With this I was able get it working.