inception-project / inception

INCEpTION provides a semantic annotation platform offering intelligent annotation assistance and knowledge management.
Apache License 2.0
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Ticketing system #1824

Open llaska opened 3 years ago

llaska commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. For the purpose of our project, we develop our tag sets in parallel to the annotation. That calls for means to open "discussion points", which is different from curation. For the time being, we use a very primitive ticketing system but going back and forth between it and INCEpTION seems to be really tedious for the annotators and they tend to boycott the whole idea of tracking down annotations worth discussion.

Describe the solution you'd like We believe a ticketing system within INCEpTION could be really useful, not only in our case, but also whenever the curator needs feedback from the annotators.

lfoppiano commented 3 years ago

I share my view. I personally don't think it's really worth the effort. In my experience, I've always used a separate tool for ticketing, annotations, and guidelines. The ticketing system it's indeed the best to track down questions and discussions, but is not well seen by annotators because it generates a lot of overhead. One thing that gave relatively good results is to set up a mattermost/slack instance and the discussions are tracked down there. It's indeed not as clean as a ticketing system but the history is saved and you can go back or pin the discussions that are worth keeping in mind.


llaska commented 3 years ago

Okay, thanks for the advice!

UWinch commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! We think its a good idea to develop a feature to discuss annotations and have discussed some related ideas. However, we cannot promise anything like this in the (near) future.

@lfoppiano thanks for sharing your experience on how people can solve this currently!