incidentist / the_tuul

Make a decent karaoke video from any song in about 10 minutes.
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Option to upload any file generated and no auto-delete tmp files #37

Open meirlazar opened 4 months ago

meirlazar commented 4 months ago

I've found that for some reason, the tuul will create an archive that is corrupt, possibly because it didn't properly generate the mp4 file or had an issue creating the archive. In either case, in order to save time and steps, would it be possible to add an option to upload any of the files generated by the tuul, such as the lyrics.txt, timings.json, subtitles.ass files? It would save a lot of time redoing the timing, when things don't work exactly the way I expect. Also is it possible to have the option for the tuul to not auto-delete the tmp directory and files it creates, so I can troubleshoot where things failed, especially since I found that the failure is not in the mp4 file creation but a post process. Thanks

meirlazar commented 4 months ago

I figured out the issue with the corrupted archives I was constantly getting. When I inspected thetuul site, after 1.5 minutes, it got a 504 gateway timeout, this was from the nginx proxy (npm) I am using. It caused the creation process to be cut short and to send what it had, which was junk of course. So, I increased the timeouts in the nginx.conf file from 90s to 360;

keepalive_timeout 360s; proxy_connect_timeout 360s; proxy_send_timeout 360s; proxy_read_timeout 360s;