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Bookkeeping and Bank Accounts #13

Open TartanLlama opened 6 years ago

TartanLlama commented 6 years ago

If people are spending money on stickers/hosting/whatever this should be recorded so that they can be reimbursed if we get to the point of getting support from the C++ foundation or getting other donations/grants.

Does anyone know of some good software to track this?

TartanLlama commented 6 years ago

Suggested by @FredTingaud

TartanLlama commented 6 years ago

Suggested by @timuraudio

FredTingaud commented 6 years ago

A tool like Splitwise or Tricount is super easy to put in place, but it serves a different purpose than Open Collective. It is just to know who is owed money, while something like Open Collective is here to bring transparency to the outside about what money is spent on what. If Include-cpp becomes a non-profit, keeping bills copy and other proofs will be necessary for legal purpose.