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Wicket Viewer throws error when JDO Application Identity is used #97

Closed bkalbfus closed 5 years ago

bkalbfus commented 5 years ago

To reproduce:

mvn archetype:generate  \
    -D archetypeGroupId=org.apache.isis.archetype \
    -D archetypeArtifactId=helloworld-archetype \
    -D archetypeVersion=2.0.0-M1 \
    -D groupId=com.mycompany \
    -D artifactId=myapp \
    -D version=1.0-SNAPSHOT \

apply attached patch file to add attached to same same folder

mvn clean jetty:run navigate to http://localhost:8080/wicket and go to Swagger-UI create a HelloWorldObject via Swagger-UI. note there are no errors and object properties are returned look up the HelloWorldObject you just created via the Wicket Viewer's web page Hello World Objects menu.

Error is thrown.

andi-huber commented 5 years ago

Hi all, this Issue is supposed to be tracked at Apache Isis (Jira) if need be. I'll not answer here but at the Isis user mailing-list.

danhaywood commented 5 years ago

Answered on the users mailing list - implementation issue it would seem.