incraigulous / contentful-sdk

A modern PHP SDK for Contentful delivery and management APIs.
MIT License
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Previewsdk #12

Open marcgoosen opened 8 years ago

marcgoosen commented 8 years ago

Implemented Preview functionality

incraigulous commented 8 years ago

Hey Marcgoosen! Sorry it took so long to respond! I love how you're moving towards injecting the client into the resources. Much simpler than my setup! Have you been using this in production? Any issues you're aware of?

Did the API change at all? I think I would like to merge this in, but I want to make sure there aren't any breaking changes I should be aware of. Also, would you mind updating the readme? That will give me a better understanding of your intended implementation so I can test this out.

incraigulous commented 8 years ago

Hey Marcgoosen, one more question for you!

I wanted to gauge your interest helping manage this project. I love that you took the time to dry up my existing code when building this out. I haven't had the time to give the project the attention it needs, and I would love to give someone push access that is actively using Contentful and has the chops to keep up the code quality. I'm not asking for a large time commitment. There aren't that many pull requests for this project. I just hate that it took me 3 months to get to yours. You interested?

incraigulous commented 8 years ago

Hey Marc! Can you explain the purpose of passing the assoc value to the json result? I would love to hear your use case.

If it's needed, I think I would rather see that method chained using get()->assoc() instead of passing in another parameter. That might require a separate response class just to have a place to chain to that method, but I think it would be worth it in terms of API simplicity. I think even getAssoc() would be better if we want to avoid chaining. Thoughts?