incredibleindishell / CORS-vulnerable-Lab

Sample vulnerable code and its exploit code
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No POC for Exploitation for the Bad Regex i.e for Challenge 2 #3

Open 007divyachawla opened 4 years ago

007divyachawla commented 4 years ago

Please make a POC and also attach the HTML page, what you have done for the 1st challenge.

incredibleindishell commented 4 years ago

In this case, application is just checking the presence of the domain "". Script has regex defined in it to check if the string "" is present in the domain name or not. Now, if domain name is like this "" or "", in both the domain names, we have string "" present in it.

I just created one sub-domain entry with sub-domain name "" for my domain "". Full sub-domain will be "". We need to host the script on the domain "". The script is the same which we used for exploitation of "arbitrary_origin" trust.

Here, the only thing which has to be satisfied is "origin" having string value "". We already have domain name with the string "" in it and script will be same.

The sub-domain entry which I created, is available for use and not going to delete it. Domain "" pointing to "". If you want to perform the exploitation, just host the "arbitrary_origin_exploit.html" POC file on your local machine, modify the URL in line no. 53 to "bad_regex.php". Now, craft the URL as per localhost location and replace the "localhost" with ""

For example, in my case script was hosted on URL "http://localhost/b0x/regex_exploit.html". Justed replaced the "localhost" with "" and final URL was "".

Let me know if you have any issue.

Thanks, Manish cors issuer

sonbar95 commented 1 year ago

status code is 302.... :( Plz help me

incredibleindishell commented 1 year ago

status code is 302.... :( Plz help me


Please can you provide more details regarding the issue?

Regards, Manish