increpare / PuzzleScript

Open Source HTML5 Puzzle Game Engine
MIT License
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html-minifier is probably a better html minifier than what i have right now #347

Closed increpare closed 7 years ago

increpare commented 7 years ago with options htmlMinified = minify( htmlMinified, { collapseBooleanAttributes:true, collapseInlineTagWhitespace:true, collapseWhitespace:true, decodeEntities:true, minifyCSS:true, minifyJS:true, processConditionalComments:true, removeAttributeQuotes:true, removeComments:true, removeEmptyAttributes:true, removeEmptyElements:true, removeOptionalTags:true, removeRedundantAttributes:true, removeScriptTypeAttributes:true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes:true, sortAttributes:true, sortClassName:true, trimCustomFragments:true, useShortDoctype:true })

increpare commented 7 years ago

Nah, not worth making it harder for other people to build puzzlescript - editor.html is just 6kb anyway - this reduces it to 5kb. Whatever!