increpare / bfxr

Flash + AIR sound effects generator. Based on Sfxr.
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find a way to compile without flash builder #13

Open increpare opened 8 years ago

CliffyA commented 7 years ago

Assuming you are running Windows, I didn't have too many troubles building with Flash Develop. I did a clean install, and downloaded the SDKs through Flash Develop and then I could import the .actionScriptProperties file.

I did have some issues with ExternalInterface in the Flash debugger, so I just commented those out for now.

I was able to build the air version as well after copying the com folder in from the main project. And editing Bfxr_AIR-app.xml to point to the correct air version: <application xmlns=""&gt; If you go to properties on the project it should tell you what version of AIR you are building for. Also in Bfxr_AIR-app.xml I had to change: <version&rt;1.3.2</version> to <versionNumber>1</versionNumber>

It had some warnings about Java that i fixed by setting JAVA_HOME to point to the 64bit Java runtime (C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111), and I had to run FlashDevelop64.exe not the 32bit version.