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Update setuptools to 61.1.1 #454

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 years ago

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

This PR updates setuptools from 57.0.0 to 61.1.1.

Changelog ### 61.1.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3212: Fixed missing dependencies when running `` install``. Note that calling `` install`` directly is still deprecated and will be removed in future versions of ``setuptools``. Please check the release notes for :ref:`setup_install_deprecation_note`. ``` ### 61.1.0 ``` ------- Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 3206: Changed ``setuptools.convert_path`` to an internal function that is not exposed as part of setuptools API. Future releases of ``setuptools`` are likely to remove this function. Changes ^^^^^^^ * 3202: Changed behaviour of auto-discovery to not explicitly expand ``package_dir`` for flat-layouts and to not use relative paths starting with ``./``. * 3203: Prevented ``pyproject.toml`` parsing from overwriting ``dist.include_package_data`` explicitly set in ```` with default value. * 3208: Added a warning for non existing files listed with the ``file`` directive in ``setup.cfg`` and ``pyproject.toml``. * 3208: Added a default value for dynamic ``classifiers`` in ``pyproject.toml`` when files are missing and errors being ignored. * 3211: Disabled auto-discovery when distribution class has a ``configuration`` attribute (e.g. when the ```` script contains ``setup(..., configuration=...)``). This is done to ensure extension-only packages created with ``numpy.distutils.misc_util.Configuration`` are not broken by the safe guard behaviour to avoid accidental multiple top-level packages in a flat-layout. .. note:: Users that don't set ``packages``, ``py_modules``, or ``configuration`` are still likely to observe the auto-discovery behavior, which may halt the build if the project contains multiple directories and/or multiple Python files directly under the project root. To disable auto-discovery please explicitly set either ``packages`` or ``py_modules``. Alternatively you can also configure :ref:`custom-discovery`. ``` ### 61.0.0 ``` ------- Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 3068: Deprecated ``setuptools.config.read_configuration``, ``setuptools.config.parse_configuration`` and other functions or classes from ``setuptools.config``. Users that still need to parse and process configuration from ``setup.cfg`` can import a direct replacement from ``setuptools.config.setupcfg``, however this module is transitional and might be removed in the future (the ``setup.cfg`` configuration format itself is likely to be deprecated in the future). Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2894: If you purposefully want to create an *"empty distribution"*, please be aware that some Python files (or general folders) might be automatically detected and included. Projects that currently don't specify both ``packages`` and ``py_modules`` in their configuration and contain extra folders or Python files (not meant for distribution), might see these files being included in the wheel archive or even experience the build to fail. You can check details about the automatic discovery (and how to configure a different behaviour) in :doc:`/userguide/package_discovery`. * 3067: If the file ``pyproject.toml`` exists and it includes project metadata/config (via ``[project]`` table or ``[tool.setuptools]``), a series of new behaviors that are not backward compatible may take place: - The default value of ``include_package_data`` will be considered to be ``True``. - Setuptools will attempt to validate the ``pyproject.toml`` file according to PEP 621 specification. - The values specified in ``pyproject.toml`` will take precedence over those specified in ``setup.cfg`` or ````. Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2887: **[EXPERIMENTAL]** Added automatic discovery for ``py_modules`` and ``packages`` -- by :user:`abravalheri`. Setuptools will try to find these values assuming that the package uses either the *src-layout* (a ``src`` directory containing all the packages or modules), the *flat-layout* (package directories directly under the project root), or the *single-module* approach (an isolated Python file, directly under the project root). The automatic discovery will also respect layouts that are explicitly configured using the ``package_dir`` option. For backward-compatibility, this behavior will be observed **only if both** ``py_modules`` **and** ``packages`` **are not set**. (**Note**: specifying ``ext_modules`` might also prevent auto-discover from taking place) If setuptools detects modules or packages that are not supposed to be in the distribution, please manually set ``py_modules`` and ``packages`` in your ``setup.cfg`` or ```` file. If you are using a *flat-layout*, you can also consider switching to *src-layout*. * 2887: **[EXPERIMENTAL]** Added automatic configuration for the ``name`` metadata -- by :user:`abravalheri`. Setuptools will adopt the name of the top-level package (or module in the case of single-module distributions), **only when** ``name`` **is not explicitly provided**. Please note that it is not possible to automatically derive a single name when the distribution consists of multiple top-level packages or modules. * 3066: Added vendored dependencies for :pypi:`tomli`, :pypi:`validate-pyproject`. These dependencies are used to read ``pyproject.toml`` files and validate them. * 3067: **[EXPERIMENTAL]** When using ``pyproject.toml`` metadata, the default value of ``include_package_data`` is changed to ``True``. * 3068: **[EXPERIMENTAL]** Add support for ``pyproject.toml`` configuration (as introduced by :pep:`621`). Configuration parameters not covered by standards are handled in the ``[tool.setuptools]`` sub-table. In the future, existing ``setup.cfg`` configuration may be automatically converted into the ``pyproject.toml`` equivalent before taking effect (as proposed in 1688). Meanwhile users can use automated tools like :pypi:`ini2toml` to help in the transition. Please note that the legacy backend is not guaranteed to work with ``pyproject.toml`` configuration. -- by :user:`abravalheri` * 3125: Implicit namespaces (as introduced in :pep:`420`) are now considered by default during :doc:`package discovery </userguide/package_discovery>`, when ``setuptools`` configuration and project metadata are added to the ``pyproject.toml`` file. To disable this behaviour, use ``namespaces = False`` when explicitly setting the ``[tool.setuptools.packages.find]`` section in ``pyproject.toml``. This change is backwards compatible and does not affect the behaviour of configuration done in ``setup.cfg`` or ````. * 3152: **[EXPERIMENTAL]** Added support for ``attr:`` and ``cmdclass`` configurations in ``setup.cfg`` and ``pyproject.toml`` when ``package_dir`` is implicitly found via auto-discovery. * 3178: Postponed importing ``ctypes`` when hiding files on Windows. This helps to prevent errors in systems that might not have `libffi` installed. * 3179: Merge with pypa/distutils267dbd25ac Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 3172: Added initial documentation about configuring ``setuptools`` via ``pyproject.toml`` (using standard project metadata). Misc ^^^^ * 3065: Refactored ``setuptools.config`` by separating configuration parsing (specific to the configuration file format, e.g. ``setup.cfg``) and post-processing (which includes directives such as ``file:`` that can be used across different configuration formats). ``` ### 60.10.0 ``` -------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2971: Deprecated upload_docs command, to be removed in the future. * 3137: Use samefile from stdlib, supported on Windows since Python 3.2. * 3170: Adopt nspektr (vendored) to implement Distribution._install_dependencies. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 3144: Added documentation on using console_scripts from, which was previously only shown in setup.cfg -- by :user:`xhlulu` * 3148: Added clarifications about ````, that include links to PyPUG docs and more prominent mentions to using a revision control system plugin as an alternative. * 3148: Removed mention to ``pkg_resources`` as the recommended way of accessing data files, in favour of importlib.resources. Additionally more emphasis was put on the fact that *package data files* reside **inside** the *package directory* (and therefore should be *read-only*). Misc ^^^^ * 3120: Added workaround for intermittent failures of backend tests on PyPy. These tests now are marked with `XFAIL <>`_, instead of erroring out directly. * 3124: Improved configuration for :pypi:`rst-linker` (extension used to build the changelog). * 3133: Enhanced isolation of tests using virtual environments - PYTHONPATH is not leaking to spawned subprocesses -- by :user:`befeleme` * 3147: Added options to provide a pre-built ``setuptools`` wheel or sdist for being used during tests with virtual environments. Paths for these pre-built distribution files can now be set via the environment variables: ``PRE_BUILT_SETUPTOOLS_SDIST`` and ``PRE_BUILT_SETUPTOOLS_WHEEL``. ``` ### 60.9.3 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3093: Repaired automated release process. ``` ### 60.9.2 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3035: When loading distutils from the vendored copy, rewrite ``__name__`` to ensure consistent importing from inside and out. ``` ### 60.9.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3102: Prevent vendored importlib_metadata from loading distributions from older importlib_metadata. * 3103: Fixed issue where string-based entry points would be omitted. * 3107: Bump importlib_metadata to 4.11.1 addressing issue with parsing requirements in egg-info as found in PyPy. ``` ### 60.9.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2876: In the build backend, allow single config settings to be supplied. * 2993: Removed workaround in distutils hack for get-pip now that pypa/get-pip137 is closed. * 3085: Setuptools no longer relies on ``pkg_resources`` for entry point handling. * 3098: Bump vendored packaging to 21.3. * Removed bootstrap script. ``` ### 60.8.2 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3091: Make ``concurrent.futures`` import lazy in vendored ``more_itertools`` package to a avoid importing threading as a side effect (which caused `gevent/gevent1865 <>`__). -- by :user:`maciejp-ro` ``` ### 60.8.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3084: When vendoring jaraco packages, ensure the namespace package is converted to a simple package to support zip importer. ``` ### 60.8.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 3085: Setuptools now vendors importlib_resources and importlib_metadata and jaraco.text. Setuptools no longer relies on pkg_resources for ensure_directory nor parse_requirements. ``` ### 60.7.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3072: Remove lorem_ipsum from jaraco.text when vendored. ``` ### 60.7.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 3061: Vendored jaraco.text and use line processing from that library in pkg_resources. Misc ^^^^ * 3070: Avoid AttributeError in easy_install.create_home_path when sysconfig.get_config_vars values are not strings. ``` ### 60.6.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 3043: Merge with pypa/distutilsbb018f1ac3 including consolidated behavior in sysconfig.get_platform (pypa/distutils104). * 3057: Don't include optional ``Home-page`` in metadata if no ``url`` is specified. -- by :user:`cdce8p` * 3062: Merge with pypa/distutilsb53a824ec3 including improved support for lib directories on non-x64 Windows builds. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2897: Added documentation about wrapping ``setuptools.build_meta`` in a in-tree custom backend. This is a :pep:`517`-compliant way of dynamically specifying build dependencies (e.g. when platform, OS and other markers are not enough). -- by :user:`abravalheri` * 3034: Replaced occurrences of the defunct distutils-sig mailing list with pointers to GitHub Discussions. -- by :user:`ashemedai` * 3056: The documentation has stopped suggesting to add ``wheel`` to :pep:`517` requirements -- by :user:`webknjaz` Misc ^^^^ * 3054: Used Py3 syntax ``super().__init__()`` -- by :user:`imba-tjd` ``` ### 60.5.4 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3009: Remove filtering of distutils warnings. * 3031: Suppress distutils replacement when building or testing CPython. ``` ### 60.5.3 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3026: Honor sysconfig variables in easy_install. ``` ### 60.5.2 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2993: In _distutils_hack, for get-pip, simulate existence of setuptools. ``` ### 60.5.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2918: Correct support for Python 3 native loaders. ``` ### 60.5.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2990: Set the ``.origin`` attribute of the ``distutils`` module to the module's ``__file__``. ``` ### 60.4.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2839: Removed ``requires`` sorting when installing wheels as an egg dir. * 2953: Fixed a bug that easy install incorrectly parsed Python 3.10 version string. * 3006: Fixed startup performance issue of Python interpreter due to imports of costly modules in ``_distutils_hack`` -- by :user:`tiran` Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2674: Added link to additional resources on packaging in Quickstart guide * 3008: "In-tree" Sphinx extension for "favicons" replaced with ``sphinx-favicon``. * 3008: SVG images (logo, banners, ...) optimised with the help of the ``scour`` package. Misc ^^^^ * 2862: Added integration tests that focus on building and installing some packages in the Python ecosystem via ``pip`` -- by :user:`abravalheri` * 2952: Modified "vendoring" logic to keep license files. * 2968: Improved isolation for some tests that where inadvertently using the project root for builds, and therefore creating directories (e.g. ``build``, ``dist``, ``*.egg-info``) that could interfere with the outcome of other tests -- by :user:`abravalheri`. * 2968: Introduced new test fixtures ``venv``, ``venv_without_setuptools``, ``bare_venv`` that rely on the ``jaraco.envs`` package. These new test fixtures were also used to remove the (currently problematic) dependency on the ``pytest_virtualenv`` plugin. * 2968: Removed ``tmp_src`` test fixture. Previously this fixture was copying all the files and folders under the project root, including the ``.git`` directory, which is error prone and increases testing time. Since ``tmp_src`` was used to populate virtual environments (installing the version of ``setuptools`` under test via the source tree), it was replaced by the new ``setuptools_sdist`` and ``setuptools_wheel`` fixtures (that are build only once per session testing and can be shared between all the workers for read-only usage). ``` ### 60.3.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 3002: Suppress AttributeError when detecting get-pip. ``` ### 60.3.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2993: In _distutils_hack, bypass the distutils exception for pip when get-pip is being invoked, because it imports setuptools. Misc ^^^^ * 2989: Merge with pypa/distutils788cc159. Includes fix for config vars missing from sysconfig. ``` ### 60.2.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2974: Setuptools now relies on the Python logging infrastructure to log messages. Instead of using ``distutils.log.*``, use ``logging.getLogger(name).*``. * 2987: Sync with pypa/distutils2def21c5d74fdd2fe7996ee4030ac145a9d751bd, including fix for missing get_versions attribute (2969), more reliance on sysconfig from stdlib. Misc ^^^^ * 2962: Avoid attempting to use local distutils when the presiding version of Setuptools on the path doesn't have one. * 2983: Restore 'add_shim' as the way to invoke the hook. Avoids compatibility issues between different versions of Setuptools with the distutils local implementation. ``` ### 60.1.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2980: Bypass distutils loader when setuptools module is no longer available on sys.path. ``` ### 60.1.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2958: In distutils_hack, only add the metadata finder once. In ensure_local_distutils, rely on a context manager for reliable manipulation. * 2963: Merge with pypa/distutilsa5af364910. Includes revisited fix for pypa/distutils15 and improved MinGW/Cygwin support from pypa/distutils77. ``` ### 60.0.5 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2960: Install schemes fall back to default scheme for headers. ``` ### 60.0.4 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2954: Merge with pypa/distutilseba2bcd310. Adds platsubdir to config vars available for substitution. ``` ### 60.0.3 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2940: Avoid KeyError in distutils hack when pip is imported during ensurepip. ``` ### 60.0.2 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2938: Select 'posix_user' for the scheme unless falling back to stdlib, then use 'unix_user'. ``` ### 60.0.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2944: Add support for extended install schemes in easy_install. ``` ### 60.0.0 ``` ------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2896: Setuptools once again makes its local copy of distutils the default. To override, set SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib. ``` ### 59.8.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2935: Merge pypa/distutils460b59f0e68dba17e2465e8dd421bbc14b994d1f. ``` ### 59.7.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2930: Require Python 3.7 ``` ### 59.6.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2925: Merge with pypa/distutils92082ee42c including introduction of deprecation warning on Version classes. ``` ### 59.5.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2914: Merge with pypa/distutils8f2df0bf6. ``` ### 59.4.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2893: Restore deprecated support for newlines in the Summary field. ``` ### 59.3.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2902: Merge with pypa/distutils85db7a41242. Misc ^^^^ * 2906: In ensure_local_distutils, re-use DistutilsMetaFinder to load the module. Avoids race conditions when _distutils_system_mod is employed. ``` ### 59.2.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2875: Introduce changes from pypa/distutils514e9d0, including support for overrides from Debian and pkgsrc, unlocking the possibility of making SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=local the default again. ``` ### 59.1.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2885: Fixed errors when encountering LegacyVersions. ``` ### 59.1.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2497: Update packaging to 21.2. * 2877: Back out deprecation of setup_requires and replace instead by a deprecation of setuptools.installer and fetch_build_egg. Now setup_requires is still supported when installed as part of a PEP 517 build, but is deprecated when an unsatisfied requirement is encountered. * 2879: Bump packaging to 21.2. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2867: PNG/ICO images replaced with SVG in the docs. * 2867: Added support to SVG "favicons" via "in-tree" Sphinx extension. ``` ### 59.0.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2880: Removed URL requirement for ``pytest-virtualenv`` in ``setup.cfg``. PyPI rejects packages with dependencies external to itself. Instead the test dependency was overwritten via ``tox.ini`` ``` ### 59.0.0 ``` ------- Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2856: Support for custom commands that inherit directly from ``distutils`` is **deprecated**. Users should extend classes provided by setuptools instead. Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2870: Started failing on invalid inline description with line breaks :class:`ValueError` -- by :user:`webknjaz` Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2698: Exposed exception classes from ``distutils.errors`` via ``setuptools.errors``. * 2866: Incorporate changes from pypa/distutilsf1b0a2b. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2227: Added sphinx theme customisations to display the new logo in the sidebar and use its colours as "accent" in the documentation -- by :user:`abravalheri` * 2227: Added new setuptools logo, including editable files and artwork documentation -- by :user:`abravalheri` * 2698: Added mentions to ``setuptools.errors`` as a way of handling custom command errors. * 2698: Added instructions to migrate from ``distutils.commands`` and ``distutils.errors`` in the porting guide. * 2871: Added a note to the docs that it is possible to install ````-less projects in editable mode with :doc:`pip v21.1+ <pip:index>`, only having ``setup.cfg`` and ``pyproject.toml`` in project root -- by :user:`webknjaz` ``` ### 58.5.3 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2849: Add fallback for custom ``build_py`` commands inheriting directly from :mod:`distutils`, while still handling ``include_package_data=True`` for ``sdist``. ``` ### 58.5.2 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2847: Suppress ' install' warning under bdist_wheel. ``` ### 58.5.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2846: Move PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning above implicitly-called function so that it's in the namespace when version warnings are generated in an environment that contains them. ``` ### 58.5.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 1461: Fix inconsistency with ``include_package_data`` and ``packages_data`` in sdist by replacing the loop breaking mechanism between the ``sdist`` and ``egg_info`` commands -- by :user:`abravalheri` ``` ### 58.4.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2497: Officially deprecated PEP 440 non-compliant versions. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2832: Removed the deprecated ``data_files`` option from the example in the declarative configuration docs -- by :user:`abravalheri` * 2832: Change type of ``data_files`` option from ``dict`` to ``section`` in declarative configuration docs (to match previous example) -- by :user:`abravalheri` .. _setup_install_deprecation_note: ``` ### 58.3.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 917: `` install`` and ``easy_install`` commands are now officially deprecated. Use other standards-based installers (like pip) and builders (like build). Workloads reliant on this behavior should pin to this major version of Setuptools. See `Why you shouldn't invoke directly <>`_ for more background. * 1988: Deprecated the ``bdist_rpm`` command. Binary packages should be built as wheels instead. -- by :user:`hugovk` * 2785: Replace ``configparser``'s ``readfp`` with ``read_file``, deprecated since Python 3.2. -- by :user:`hugovk` * 2823: Officially deprecated support for ``setup_requires``. Users are encouraged instead to migrate to PEP 518 ``build-system.requires`` in ``pyproject.toml``. Users reliant on ``setup_requires`` should consider pinning to this major version to avoid disruption. Misc ^^^^ * 2762: Changed codecov.yml to configure the threshold to be lower -- by :user:`tanvimoharir` ``` ### 58.2.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2757: Add windows arm64 launchers for scripts generated by easy_install. * 2800: Added ``--owner`` and ``--group`` options to the ``sdist`` command, for specifying file ownership within the produced tarball (similarly to the corresponding distutils ``sdist`` options). Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2792: Document how the legacy and non-legacy versions are compared, and reference to the PEP 440 scheme. ``` ### 58.1.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2796: Merge with pypa/distutils02e9f65ab0 ``` ### 58.0.4 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2773: Retain case in setup.cfg during sdist. ``` ### 58.0.3 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2777: Build does not fail fast when ``use_2to3`` is supplied but set to a false value. ``` ### 58.0.2 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2769: Build now fails fast when ``use_2to3`` is supplied. ``` ### 58.0.1 ``` ------- Misc ^^^^ * 2765: In Distribution.finalize_options, suppress known removed entry points to avoid issues with older Setuptools. ``` ### 58.0.0 ``` ------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2086: Removed support for 2to3 during builds. Projects should port to a unified codebase or pin to an older version of Setuptools using PEP 518 build-requires. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2746: add python_requires example ``` ### 57.5.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2712: Added implicit globbing support for ``[options.data_files]`` values. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2737: fix various syntax and style errors in code snippets in docs ``` ### 57.4.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2722: Added support for ``SETUPTOOLS_EXT_SUFFIX`` environment variable to override the suffix normally detected from the ``sysconfig`` module. ``` ### 57.3.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2465: Documentation is now published using the Furo theme. ``` ### 57.2.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2724: Added detection of Windows ARM64 build environments using the ``VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH`` environment variable. ``` ### 57.1.0 ``` ------- Changes ^^^^^^^ * 2692: Globs are now sorted in 'license_files' restoring reproducibility by eliminating variance from disk order. * 2714: Update to distutils at pypa/distutilse2627b7. * 2715: Removed reliance on deprecated ssl.match_hostname by removing the ssl support. Now any index operations rely on the native SSL implementation. Documentation changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 2604: Revamped the backward/cross tool compatibility section to remove some confusion. Add some examples and the version since when ``entry_points`` are supported in declarative configuration. Tried to make the reading flow a bit leaner, gather some information that were a bit dispersed. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:
pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

Closing this in favor of #455